I think the horns are coming in, she has two brown bruises on her melon right about where we expect them. She's a holy terror alright, I wouldn't be surprised if she did grow little devil horns. The only thing holding her back is her extrodinarily happy disposition - an angel with a penchant for danger and destruction. In all seriousness, the little brown bruises are actually from two of the multiple times little-miss-invincible decided she didn't need to hold on to keep herself standing.
Look mom, no hands! WHACK! Forehead meets wood floor.
This little baby sure is in rough shape this week. In addition to the bruised noggin, she's sprouted her first tooth! Yay Miss M! She was pretty cranky this past weekend, so we knew something was up, and sure enough - it was a tooth. What a big girl :)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Hand to my heart, I swear that I heard Miss M say "Daddy" today. She woke up this morning and I went to get her out of her crib while J went to make her bottle. I brought her into the kitchen so say hello to J, he turned around and said "Good Morning" to her and she got all happy and said "Da deey"! Woah! What did she say?! The timing was just too eerie, the second he turns around and that is what comes out of her mouth? Not ga ga, not raspberries, not a squeal, she said daddy! We couldn't get her to do it again, even though we spent many mindless minutes blurbing baby talk versions of the word trying to peak her interest. Oh well, maybe tomorrow morning.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Talking during The Office...
Inexcusable... talking during the season premiere of The Office is just not acceptable. Blah, blah, blah, for 15 minutes straight, would not shut up! How am I supposed to here all of Michael's stupid jokes if I have someone blabbing in my ear the whole time! Jerky baby. :)
Another Mountain Climbing expedition
Interesting story from daycare yesterday...
Miss M sure is active. Today, she was standing up, holding on to the small table/shelf that holds some of the toys and decided to try and climb up it. She got her foot on top of a toy and was pushing up to try and wiggle her way on top of the table. You sure are going to have your hands full.
-- Miss Lisa
That's just great. I swear, we have a concussion in our near future. One of these days Wonder Girl is going to take a tumble. I think my daughter might be the kid in her second grade class that always has a bandaid on, or dirt in her hair.
Miss M sure is active. Today, she was standing up, holding on to the small table/shelf that holds some of the toys and decided to try and climb up it. She got her foot on top of a toy and was pushing up to try and wiggle her way on top of the table. You sure are going to have your hands full.
-- Miss Lisa
That's just great. I swear, we have a concussion in our near future. One of these days Wonder Girl is going to take a tumble. I think my daughter might be the kid in her second grade class that always has a bandaid on, or dirt in her hair.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Babies, babies, everywhere!
Two new nieces in four days - one on Friday and the other today. Miss M is going to be so happy to play with her new friends, they may be seven months apart now, but growing up they will be so close in age. Add in our psuedo-cousin Miss H and we have four little girls to celebrate this year! :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I'm on the phone!
Miss M on the left and her friend Miss A on the right...
"Hey Girlfriend, Wha'chu doin?"
"I'm just chillin, wha'chu doing?"
"Hey Girlfriend, Wha'chu doin?"
"I'm just chillin, wha'chu doing?"

Lobsters, lobsters, everywhere!
Check it out - so here is a picture of Miss M's lobster Halloween costume:

And here is a picture of the doggie lobster Halloween costume we saw at Target for our little dog P:

Wouldn't it be cute, walking two little lobsters around the neighborhood? :)

And here is a picture of the doggie lobster Halloween costume we saw at Target for our little dog P:

Wouldn't it be cute, walking two little lobsters around the neighborhood? :)
Grown-ups Only!
We're off to northern California tomorrow - without Miss M. I'm very excited for our long weekend, but I have no idea what to expect from the baby bean. She doesn't have any kind of stranger anxiety yet, and she's not staying with strangers anyway, she's staying with Grandma. But will she miss me when she's trying to fall asleep at night? Will she look for me when she wakes up in the morning. Will she be sad when she doesn't see Mommy or Daddy for three days? Will she be happy when we're finally home? We always said that we're going to make sure she grows up taking short trips on her own so that she's not afraid to be without us, but it easy to say that - not so easy to leave the little pumpkin.
Monday, September 15, 2008
My nephew is hilarious
My brother and his son C visited with us this past weekend, which was nice. We haven't been able to spend much time together lately. An evening with a 3 year old is always good for blog stories, so here are the highlights...
1. C was so sweet giving Miss M big hugs. He'd be playing, talking loudly, laughing, then he'd get all quiet and soft and say, "Aww, M..." and tackle her with a big hug. One time Miss M reached out to touch his face, but her fingernails got his cheek a little bit and he jumped up and ran away -- ran away to show P, the dog, his scratch. What is P going to do about it? Apply a thick layer of protective slobber?
2. He sure must like P the dog because he would not stop laughing at the spastic little thing. "Look what P is doing! HA HA HA!", "What is P doing? HA HA HA". He was laughing so hard at one point that Miss M started laughing at him, which made me start laughing at the both of them.
3. Pool time - "Look Aunt K, I can put my head under water!" And to illustrate C slams his face into the water and pulls it back up in lightning fast speed, sputtering and spitting. The next Michael Phelps!
1. C was so sweet giving Miss M big hugs. He'd be playing, talking loudly, laughing, then he'd get all quiet and soft and say, "Aww, M..." and tackle her with a big hug. One time Miss M reached out to touch his face, but her fingernails got his cheek a little bit and he jumped up and ran away -- ran away to show P, the dog, his scratch. What is P going to do about it? Apply a thick layer of protective slobber?
2. He sure must like P the dog because he would not stop laughing at the spastic little thing. "Look what P is doing! HA HA HA!", "What is P doing? HA HA HA". He was laughing so hard at one point that Miss M started laughing at him, which made me start laughing at the both of them.
3. Pool time - "Look Aunt K, I can put my head under water!" And to illustrate C slams his face into the water and pulls it back up in lightning fast speed, sputtering and spitting. The next Michael Phelps!
Little Hercules is getting kind of creepy...
Sorry it's been a few days, last week was kind of boring - nothing worth blogging about... until Friday that is.
I think Miss M is really a comic book hero in disquise. Her secret ability is mega-strength. I swear, next week she'll be lifting Buicks off of little old ladies, or stopping speeding trains with her pinky.
Friday she pulled herself to standing. She is standing, although still holding on, all by herself! Seems awfully early for such behavoir so I looked it up and multiple sources say most babies don't do this until they are 9-11 months old. It's her new favorite thing, she is pulling up on everything - J even saw her doing a chin-up as she tried to climb on top of the coffee table last night. I wonder how long it will take her to truly get her balance, because it won't be long after that she's walking.
I think Miss M is really a comic book hero in disquise. Her secret ability is mega-strength. I swear, next week she'll be lifting Buicks off of little old ladies, or stopping speeding trains with her pinky.
Friday she pulled herself to standing. She is standing, although still holding on, all by herself! Seems awfully early for such behavoir so I looked it up and multiple sources say most babies don't do this until they are 9-11 months old. It's her new favorite thing, she is pulling up on everything - J even saw her doing a chin-up as she tried to climb on top of the coffee table last night. I wonder how long it will take her to truly get her balance, because it won't be long after that she's walking.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Chicken Wings
Miss M sleeps through the night - sort of. She goes to bed at 8pm and wakes up at 6:30am. She doesn't need a bottle in the middle of the night, she doesn't need to be held or comforted. BUT... she does need to have her chicken wing amputated.
Once, twice, maybe even three or four times a night Miss M gets herself stuck in various uncomfortable positions. She's starting to toss and turn a lot, so she's starting to get her feet caught in the bars of the crib, and starting to bonk her head on the wood en-board. The most ridiculous of these late night acrobatics is when she somehow manages to wiggle her arm inside the sleeve of her PJs and double it up - so she looks like she has a chicken wing. She doesn't like chicken wings. Another weird one is when she manages to sit herself up in her crib, but she's sleeping, so she's kinda confused and pissed off that she's sitting up.
Daddy is her savior, if she didn't have him to remedy her contorted little body I don't know what she would do.
Once, twice, maybe even three or four times a night Miss M gets herself stuck in various uncomfortable positions. She's starting to toss and turn a lot, so she's starting to get her feet caught in the bars of the crib, and starting to bonk her head on the wood en-board. The most ridiculous of these late night acrobatics is when she somehow manages to wiggle her arm inside the sleeve of her PJs and double it up - so she looks like she has a chicken wing. She doesn't like chicken wings. Another weird one is when she manages to sit herself up in her crib, but she's sleeping, so she's kinda confused and pissed off that she's sitting up.
Daddy is her savior, if she didn't have him to remedy her contorted little body I don't know what she would do.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Ah, grasshopper...
We were at the pool in Ann Arbor this weekend while visiting Miss M's grandparents. Every Sunday night they have "Coals and Ice" and allow their members to bring food to grill. The place is packed with dripping kids and family picnics, table space is at a premium and the volume is steadily increasing as parents sip glasses of wine and beer.
We're enjoying our own little family picnic with a few of the G-parents friends when out of nowhere this strange little boy comes up to our table and proudly announces, "I have a grasshopper on top of my head!" Of course we all look at his head and sure enough, he has a grasshopper crawling around his little blond toe head. "Wow, you sure do." Little boy replies, "Yup, he just jumped up there."
Little boy walks away to accost some other table with his pet grasshopper and we continue our picnic. About 20 minutes later little boy comes back, "He's still here!" Hmmm, little boy getting stranger. About 20 minutes after that little boy comes back again, "He got hungry so I'm feeding him," (an edemame bean) "He's eating it slowly, one molecule at a time."
Strange little boy came over at least four times that night, always with his new best friend. And no, no one knew who this little boy was - not even the G-parents.
Weird night at the pool.

We're enjoying our own little family picnic with a few of the G-parents friends when out of nowhere this strange little boy comes up to our table and proudly announces, "I have a grasshopper on top of my head!" Of course we all look at his head and sure enough, he has a grasshopper crawling around his little blond toe head. "Wow, you sure do." Little boy replies, "Yup, he just jumped up there."
Little boy walks away to accost some other table with his pet grasshopper and we continue our picnic. About 20 minutes later little boy comes back, "He's still here!" Hmmm, little boy getting stranger. About 20 minutes after that little boy comes back again, "He got hungry so I'm feeding him," (an edemame bean) "He's eating it slowly, one molecule at a time."
Strange little boy came over at least four times that night, always with his new best friend. And no, no one knew who this little boy was - not even the G-parents.
Weird night at the pool.

Poor choice of a preposition...
Miss M is playing contentedly on the floor with her toys. She doesn't need other kids, or mommy and daddy to help her play, she can play all by herself. And how appropriate therefore is my companion's comment: "Wow, she sure does like playing with herself doesn't she." (If you didn't get it, read that quote again. If you still didn't get it maybe you're older than my mental age of 11.)
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