99% sure we'll be doing this again. Maggie had so much fun at the Iowa State Fair, and what a nice tradition to start for her. Lemme tell you all about it...
These are all the animals Maggie got to "pet" while at the fair...
1. Cow
2. Horse
3. Goat
4. Baby Goat
5. Greyhound
6. Camel
And after the petting she was bathed in hand sanitizer. I have to hand it to the fair people actually, they had sanitizer stations all over the place.
These are all the delicious (fried) fair foods Maggie got to eat at the fair...
1. Fried mac 'n cheese nuggets
2. Corn dog
3. Tenderloin sandwich
4. Funnel Cake
5. French fries
6. Fried rice
7. Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!
And here's a list of the top five parts of the fair for Maggie/Mommy...
1. Maggie got a plastic cow. It cost a dollar fifty. Maggie also got a big stuffed tiger that Daddy won playing midway games (which cost about $20). Can you guess which toy Maggie is still playing with? Oh, and you might think that cows go Moo, but you would be wrong. Cows go "RAWRRR!" (if you're Maggie).
2. Maggie is a trill seeker. The carousel wasn't much fun, but the airplane ride was freakin awesome (if you're Maggie). She was squealing and smiling, and Mommy was sitting next to her fighting back tears. Sometimes it's just so gratifying to see your kid having a good time - good, pointless, happy fun - it makes you so warm and fuzzy. So Mommy was a big loser on the kids ride and Maggie was super brave and having a great time.
3. Maggie got to show off her dance moves....again. Every time we passed an area playing music Maggie had to get down and bust a move. This is cute, mostly. Except when you're trying to get back to your hotel for nap time and every 20 feet a new tune disrupts your journey. Break it down kid, now let's get going!
4. Maggie is not a fraidy-cat. Do you remember going to Disney or Six Flags or somewhere similar and there is always that overly friendly giant dog or mouse (guy in a dog suit, girl in a mouse suit) and there is always some kid crying, and some parent trying to drag that kid to shake hands with (or horror - hug!) the giant terrifying mouse? Yeah, that kid is not my kid. My kid is the one standing next to that kid waiting to give the mouse a high-five.
5. Maggie has an awesome family. She may not remember this as part of her favorites (hell, she probably won't remember any of this) but Mama will. Aunties, uncles, cousins, grandmas, grandpas, great-grandmas, sooo many wonderful people in Maggie's life! I'm so glad she's relatively easy-going, it didn't take very long to warm up to everyone. Thank you everyone for helping us show Maggie the fair! She's a lucky girl.