
Monday, January 30, 2012

Groggy Monday Morning

Kids say the darnedest things... when you're trying to wake them up from a dead sleep.  Two recent murmurings from Maggie...

While attempting to smooth out her nightgown, with her eyes still closed, "Mom, this is my princess ballerina dress, leave it alone!"

And my new favorite, "The chipmunks, I mean squirrels, are in the car; Catie and I were going to have a race RIGHT NOW!"

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Shit Moms Say

Today Maggie had her first gymnastics class at the real-deal gymnastics place... Ultimate Gymnastics.  This is the type of place you walk into and you expect to see three-foot tall eleven-year-olds frantically doing handsprings while their coach yells "Faster!  Faster!" from across the room.  In addition to training the next generation of Olympic hopefuls, they also host birthday parties... which is how we ended up there.  Maggie attended a party and promptly declared that she HAS TO take gymnastic classes there, because that place is SOOOO COOL!!

I was sitting in the parents viewing area (which actually has bleachers, really... bleachers!) in front of two mothers whose daughters must have been participants at the school for a while because they seemed to know each other fairly well, and they totally weren't paying any attention to the death-defying tricks their daughters were performing out in the gym.  And here is where we come to the point of this post... those two mothers had a twenty minute conversation about CHICKEN NUGGETS!  Twenty minutes!  Where to buy them, which ones are best, which ones are second best, how much they cost and how many bags of chicken nuggets one should have on hand at any given moment.  It was the kind of conversation that made me want to go out and get a job... a job that does not revolve around wiping someones butt or hunting down the best chicken nuggets in town.

I am writing this post as a preventative measure.  I am sure the day will come when I have even less time than I do now and I am no longer stimulating or stimulated enough to carry on a conversation regarding anything remotely interesting to anyone.  But PLEASE, someone, anyone... if I start to speak to you about the merits of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese over Velveeta, please refer me back to this post.  I thank you in advance.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I'm a little behind on my posting, clearly, but I hope to be posting a lot in the next few days to make up for it.  Because I am so behind, I have no clear train of thought, so don't be surprised if my time-line is a little wonky.

This little post is going to be about our annual grandparent-sponsored-vacation to Grand Cayman (thank you Aunt Terri for spurring me to action!).  Once again, beautiful weather, beautiful beach, beautiful meals, beautiful memories.... here are a couple of my favorite...

Did you know that on Cayman there is a mandatory farewell?  A regular old "Bye!" won't do the trick, you simply must bid adieu by saying, "See you later!"  Maggie could tell you allllll about this tradition, in fact, she may have started it.  She caught on quick, the first day we were there, and told everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) that noticed her, and even some that didn't, "See you later!"  Sometimes, if they did not reply in kind, she would repeat her "See you later!" three or four times, as if to remind the other party that on Cayman one MUST follow protocol and "See you later!"  Pretty teenage girls?  "See you later!"  Old lady by the pool?  "See you later!"  Lizard scurrying between the rocks?  "See you later!"  Such a social child, that one.

We were on the island over New Year's this year, which was a first for me and the girls.  Since there seems to be no law what-so-ever regarding fireworks on Grand Cayman I knew we would be in for a treat on New Year's Eve.  Catie was a big party pooper and went to bed early, but Maggie wanted in for the long haul.  We were putting together a puzzle on the patio, listening to the beach party the Marriot was hosting just down the beach, when we decided we needed to go dancing.  Jason and I walked her down to the party, which was complete with lasers, large projection screens and a DJ, and danced with her on the beach.  Even though she was clearly the youngest person in attendance, all was well until a very pretty 25-ish, slightly inebriated, girl decided that Maggie would make a perfect dance partner.  Maggie was enthralled... and it's a good thing, because it was the last dance she got to have that night.  Nothing says "party's over little girl" like a drunk girl fawning over your child.  Back down the beach we went.  Later that night we ran out to the beach when the clock struck twelve, and watched fireworks explode in various locations all down the beach.  Layers and layers of fireworks, some from the property right next door, some five miles away.  It was a wonderful night, probably the best New Year's Eve I have ever had.

Below I've included a few pictures, you'll notice that Maggie has decided to incorporate a signature pose in many of these photos.  I'm not entirely sure where she got the idea that she needed to bust out what we are now calling the "sassy" pose, and although I was thoroughly aggravated that she was potentially RUINING every decent family photo we took, I am now soooo happy to have these pictures.  I will be able to look back at the pictures of this trip and remember my sassy little girl, and how absolutely essential it was that her arms be crossed and her nose in the air in almost every single photo she posed for.  What a force, I love her to pieces!

Oh, and Catie dear, I love you too, so, so much.  Unfortunatley for you I have no fabulous stories of your antics on this trip... you didn't like the sand and you didn't want to swim and you didn't want to play in the grass.  There's always next year baby!