Catie's growing more and more words every day. I want to post her dictionary so when she's 19, in college, and I haven't heard anything besides "I need money" come out of her mouth in six months, I can remember that she did once have a rather extensive vocabulary.
Mama, Dada, Sister
Nuh uh, No, NO NO NO!
Yah - Yes
Pa Pa (Grandpa), Ga Ga (Granny)
Nah (Nose), Eah (Ear), Hah (Hair)
La la - Lovey
Ba ba - Binky
Na na - Banana
Cheez - Cheese
Mema - Elmo
Em em - M&M
Ba Da! - Bad Dog
While I'm writing about Catie, I think I'm going to make this an official "for the baby book" blog post.... here are some other details about her development at 18 months:
She knows about 15 body parts and can point to each of them when asked. She can count to three... a skill I attribute to hearing me count to five about six-hundred times a day as a warning to her sister that she better get her butt in gear. She can boss around the dogs and feed the dogs (and feed them some more, and a little more, and even more). She brings me the phone when it's ringing, even if I have no intention of answering it. She knows how to get her sister to play with her; just steal whatever Maggie has an run away laughing. And she loves to color... with markers... and pens... everywhere.