I've noticed this myself a little, but not to the extent that the Nanny has described. Miss M is on the move!
When she's on her play-mat for "tummy time" she'll grab on to the mat and try to pull herself forward. If she's able to plant her feet she can actually pull herself across the mat. And she's almost able to roll from her back to her belly (mastered belly to back long ago). She gets all the way over on her side, but can't quite figure out what to do about the arm that is wedged in her way.
She's only 4 months old! I'm going to have to start baby-proofing soon.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Is it normal that I am crying at a WALL-E trailer?
My nephew is ALL ABOUT WALL-E! Yay WALL-E! Since we have no money (or time, or energy) for movies anymore my exposure to WALL-E previews has been minimal, so today I decided to educate myself.
And now I wish I hadn't!
WALL-E is sad! I totally cried while watching the trailer. Poor little robot all alone for 700 years. I've always had a problem with assigning personalities to inanimate objects (i.e. as a child I was convinced that all my porcelain dolls with their hard little faces were plotting my night-time assassination) and now Pixar has gone and made me weep for a robot - actually, a cartoon of a robot, not even a real robot.
I think I'm going to have to go see this movie, just to make sure that WALL-E gets his happy ending.
And now I wish I hadn't!
WALL-E is sad! I totally cried while watching the trailer. Poor little robot all alone for 700 years. I've always had a problem with assigning personalities to inanimate objects (i.e. as a child I was convinced that all my porcelain dolls with their hard little faces were plotting my night-time assassination) and now Pixar has gone and made me weep for a robot - actually, a cartoon of a robot, not even a real robot.
I think I'm going to have to go see this movie, just to make sure that WALL-E gets his happy ending.
To Exersaucer or Not to Exersauser, that is the question...
Every day I am more and more impressed by the incredible feats of strength Miss M performs. Even the doctor was surprised when Miss M was placed on her tummy and tried to worm her way across the exam table like a little baby kangaroo looking for it's pouch.
So of course I want to do everything I can to foster this activity and help her grow even stronger. Which is why I am contemplating purchasing the biggest, brightest, loudest piece of plastic ever made...the Exersaucer. Exersaucer comes with a variety of features, and the more bells and whistles (and I think it literally has bells and whistles) the higher purchase price. But regardless of price, even the hatchback version seems to take up a good 10 square feet of your living room.
I'm pretty sure that Miss M would love playing in this plastic paradise, but I am equally sure I would hate having this thing hanging out in my living room. What is a mommy to do? Maybe if a super-special grandparent bought it for us I would have no option but to welcome into the family and wouldn't feel as conflicted about it's overbearing presence in my living room...hint...hint... ;)
So of course I want to do everything I can to foster this activity and help her grow even stronger. Which is why I am contemplating purchasing the biggest, brightest, loudest piece of plastic ever made...the Exersaucer. Exersaucer comes with a variety of features, and the more bells and whistles (and I think it literally has bells and whistles) the higher purchase price. But regardless of price, even the hatchback version seems to take up a good 10 square feet of your living room.
I'm pretty sure that Miss M would love playing in this plastic paradise, but I am equally sure I would hate having this thing hanging out in my living room. What is a mommy to do? Maybe if a super-special grandparent bought it for us I would have no option but to welcome into the family and wouldn't feel as conflicted about it's overbearing presence in my living room...hint...hint... ;)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Grandparents have asked and I shall answer... below is the list of immunizations that Miss M received yesterday. Yes, it's a lot - there must be a lot more communicable diseases out there now compared to when we were children ;)
DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
RV: Rotavirus vaccine
And the translation:
DTaP:Lockjaw and Whooping Cough
Hib: A serious disease caused by a bacteria. It usually strikes children under 5 years old. Your child can get Hib disease by being around other children or adults who may have the bacteria and not know it. Before Hib vaccine, Hib disease was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis among children under 5 years old in the United States. Hib disease can also cause: pneumonia, severe swelling in the throat, infections of the blood, joints, bones, and covering of the heart, and death
IPV: Polio
PCV: Infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria can cause serious illness and death. Invasive pneumococcal disease is responsible for about 200 deaths each year among children under 5 years old. It is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States. Before a vaccine was available, pneumococcal infection each year caused:
- over 700 cases of meningitis
- 13,000 blood infections, and
- about 5 million ear infections
RV: Rotavirus is a virus that causes severe diarrhea, mostly in babies and young children. It is often accompanied by vomiting and fever. Rotavirus vaccine will not prevent diarrhea or vomiting caused by other germs, but it is very good at preventing diarrhea and vomiting caused by rotavirus. About 98 percent of children who get the vaccine are protected from severe rotavirus diarrhea, and about 74 percent do not get rotavirus diarrhea at all.
DTaP: Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
Hib: Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine
IPV: Inactivated poliovirus vaccine
PCV: Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
RV: Rotavirus vaccine
And the translation:
DTaP:Lockjaw and Whooping Cough
Hib: A serious disease caused by a bacteria. It usually strikes children under 5 years old. Your child can get Hib disease by being around other children or adults who may have the bacteria and not know it. Before Hib vaccine, Hib disease was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis among children under 5 years old in the United States. Hib disease can also cause: pneumonia, severe swelling in the throat, infections of the blood, joints, bones, and covering of the heart, and death
IPV: Polio
PCV: Infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria can cause serious illness and death. Invasive pneumococcal disease is responsible for about 200 deaths each year among children under 5 years old. It is the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United States. Before a vaccine was available, pneumococcal infection each year caused:
- over 700 cases of meningitis
- 13,000 blood infections, and
- about 5 million ear infections
RV: Rotavirus is a virus that causes severe diarrhea, mostly in babies and young children. It is often accompanied by vomiting and fever. Rotavirus vaccine will not prevent diarrhea or vomiting caused by other germs, but it is very good at preventing diarrhea and vomiting caused by rotavirus. About 98 percent of children who get the vaccine are protected from severe rotavirus diarrhea, and about 74 percent do not get rotavirus diarrhea at all.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Miss M's new stats...
4-month doctors appointment today... four more shots... Miss M was not happy.
Her new stats are: 23.5 inches and 11 lbs 11 oz.
Her new stats are: 23.5 inches and 11 lbs 11 oz.
All the hippos go beserk!!
Just a quick note about my favorite board book author. Yes, that's right, I only read books with 6 words per cardboard page now. Sandra Boynton should be marketing her books not only to parents of small children, but to pot-heads as well... because if I had been high when I read Hippos Go Beserk, I probably would have peed my pants from laughing so hard (having not been high I only gaw-faw'd loudly). I mean seriously, how can you not find 45 hippos in various stages of undress, going beserk, amusing?
Who knew cardboard for 3 year-olds could be so entertaining.
Who knew cardboard for 3 year-olds could be so entertaining.
My baby hates me...
Monday's are rough. I think she's starting to figure out that I leave her on Monday's and she doesn't like it. Saturday and Sunday are a blessing... happy bubbly baby, cooing, playing, wiggling, giggling... and then Monday rolls around and psycho baby shows up.
It's always something on Monday. A few Monday's ago she slept like a log through the whole day - which is good I guess, but pretty unexpected. Last Monday she wouldn't sleep at all - not so good. And yesterday her little baby head exploded when she woke up from her morning map and was scared sh*tless (for the first time ever) by the presence of the nanny and the absence of the mommy. The nanny was pretty surprised to be greeted by unexplainable baby hysterics.
And as if I didn't feel like Mommy-dearest already... I get home from work and the kid will look everywhere, except at me. The TV looks fun, the bookshelf too, even the dining room wall, but mommy was decidely of no interest to her. I was being shunned. When all you want to do at the end of a long work day is see your baby's dopey little smile and cuddle her up this is the last thing you want your baby to learn how to do - punish you for not being around. It took her about an hour to fall in love with me again and the shunning to come to an end. Yes she's young and hasn't figured out how to do much of anything yet, but apparently manipulation is a skill we humans master at a very early age.
It's always something on Monday. A few Monday's ago she slept like a log through the whole day - which is good I guess, but pretty unexpected. Last Monday she wouldn't sleep at all - not so good. And yesterday her little baby head exploded when she woke up from her morning map and was scared sh*tless (for the first time ever) by the presence of the nanny and the absence of the mommy. The nanny was pretty surprised to be greeted by unexplainable baby hysterics.
And as if I didn't feel like Mommy-dearest already... I get home from work and the kid will look everywhere, except at me. The TV looks fun, the bookshelf too, even the dining room wall, but mommy was decidely of no interest to her. I was being shunned. When all you want to do at the end of a long work day is see your baby's dopey little smile and cuddle her up this is the last thing you want your baby to learn how to do - punish you for not being around. It took her about an hour to fall in love with me again and the shunning to come to an end. Yes she's young and hasn't figured out how to do much of anything yet, but apparently manipulation is a skill we humans master at a very early age.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Since you were so worried I'd write about you in my blog...
My dear brother, don't you know by now that if you joke with me about something you will pay the consequences? J, You are officially included in my blog.
We went to my nephew's 3-year-old birthday party this past weekend. I can't wait until Miss M is this age, they are just so entertaining. But what was most entertaining (to me anyway) about the party was my brother, J, my nephew's father.
When you were a little kid, or teenager, or even young adult, you never think of your younger siblings as anything besides just that - younger. And then one day you look around and instead of seeing the kid that used to make mud-soup in the back of mom's riding lawn mower, you see a grown up with a 3 year old (and another on the way) desperately trying to pull off the best 3-year-old birthday party he can while at the same time trying to bond with his nieces, carry on a conversation with old-fogies, and keep his wife from going crazy with 20 people in her house. When did we grow up?
I am so grateful that my brothers and I are still close. Many adults aren't as lucky. I love seeing my brother scoop up Miss M and hold her close, and my other brother make funny faces as her until she giggles. Momements like those make me realize we don't see each other nearly enough. I just hope as Miss M grows up she'll love her Uncle J, and her Uncle W, just as much as her mommy does.
We went to my nephew's 3-year-old birthday party this past weekend. I can't wait until Miss M is this age, they are just so entertaining. But what was most entertaining (to me anyway) about the party was my brother, J, my nephew's father.
When you were a little kid, or teenager, or even young adult, you never think of your younger siblings as anything besides just that - younger. And then one day you look around and instead of seeing the kid that used to make mud-soup in the back of mom's riding lawn mower, you see a grown up with a 3 year old (and another on the way) desperately trying to pull off the best 3-year-old birthday party he can while at the same time trying to bond with his nieces, carry on a conversation with old-fogies, and keep his wife from going crazy with 20 people in her house. When did we grow up?
I am so grateful that my brothers and I are still close. Many adults aren't as lucky. I love seeing my brother scoop up Miss M and hold her close, and my other brother make funny faces as her until she giggles. Momements like those make me realize we don't see each other nearly enough. I just hope as Miss M grows up she'll love her Uncle J, and her Uncle W, just as much as her mommy does.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Baby, you should be in pictures...
Every parent thinks her baby is the cutest little thing in the world. Before you're a parent you look at other peoples kids - the not-so-cute ones - and think, "I wonder if the parents realize how homely that kid is." But as soon as you become a parent a switch flips and it doesn't matter if you child has a third eye in the center of her forehead - she is the most beautiful baby ever.
So naturally, Miss M. is the most beautiful baby ever. But when friends or strangers pay her a compliment I always say "thank you" and wonder to myself, are they just saying that because that's what you're supposed to say when you see a baby or do they really think she's a cutie? But then today I received the most adament and detailed compliment to date and I'm finally starting to think that maybe Miss M is not just a beauty in her mom's eyes. Yesterday I emailed baby photos to a video production colleague of mine in NYC and today he called me and said the following: "What a looker that kid is. Seriously, you should have her in to an agency, with a face like that she should be making you some money. I mean, she's better looking than the kids on the diaper boxes. Beautiful!"
I know it's a shallow, vain thing to be happy that other people think your kid is cute - but I have to say... I like it. Now I won't feel so wierd about telling other people she's a cute baby because I've had good, unbiased commentary from an outside source (non-family, non-friend) to back up my motherly pride.
So naturally, Miss M. is the most beautiful baby ever. But when friends or strangers pay her a compliment I always say "thank you" and wonder to myself, are they just saying that because that's what you're supposed to say when you see a baby or do they really think she's a cutie? But then today I received the most adament and detailed compliment to date and I'm finally starting to think that maybe Miss M is not just a beauty in her mom's eyes. Yesterday I emailed baby photos to a video production colleague of mine in NYC and today he called me and said the following: "What a looker that kid is. Seriously, you should have her in to an agency, with a face like that she should be making you some money. I mean, she's better looking than the kids on the diaper boxes. Beautiful!"
I know it's a shallow, vain thing to be happy that other people think your kid is cute - but I have to say... I like it. Now I won't feel so wierd about telling other people she's a cute baby because I've had good, unbiased commentary from an outside source (non-family, non-friend) to back up my motherly pride.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Miss M discovered her hands yesterday!
In fairness, I do believe M knew she had hands before yesterday; however, I'm not so sure she knew what they were for. Now she knows... they are for pulling mommy's hair out. They are also for making her stuffed hippo make noise, and for grabbing dangly toys off of her play gym. As an adult you take for granted how easy it is to reach out and grab whatever is right in front of you... it takes a baby months to figure that out. We're so proud of Miss M and her newly developed ability to grasp, scratch, tear, and pull... so proud that mommy is going to celebrate by getting her hair chopped off (before Miss M takes her new found barbering skills a little too far).
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Babies make you fat...
...And so do Ruffles Potato Chips, fast food, glazed donuts, ranch sauce, Kit Kats, and all the other crap I ate while I was pregnant. I will be the first to admit that I was a bad, bad girl and my pregnancy diet was far from well-rounded. But hey, I didn't particularly like vegetables before I got pregnant, is it really realistic to think that I would choose to eat them after? Pre-natal vitamins are the healthiest thing I consumed all nine months... and the fact that I managed to swallow those on a semi-regular basis is a small miracle in and of itself. But...
Now I'm a boat. Actually, a house boat. Actually, maybe even a 5000 square foot house boat. My complete lack of self control for nine months has resulted in a complete lack of a waist for the subsequent nine months. So in an effort to become more motivated to shed my "baby weight" I'm going to tell you all exactly how much I gained and exactly how much I've lost so far. Let me preface this revelation by telling you conventional wisdom states there is no reason for a woman to gain more than 30-35 pounds during her pregnancy....obviously this does not take into account donut cravings or the ravenous first trimester hunger that I experienced. I gained 70 pounds. Yes, that's right - twice the "average". So far I have lost 41 pounds... only a little over half-way to my pre-pregnacy weight. But if you add the 10 pounds I would have liked to have lost before I even got pregnant, not quite half-way there. Needless to say, no more donuts for me.
Please hold me accountable blog-o-sphere...I'll update you again in ten pounds.
Now I'm a boat. Actually, a house boat. Actually, maybe even a 5000 square foot house boat. My complete lack of self control for nine months has resulted in a complete lack of a waist for the subsequent nine months. So in an effort to become more motivated to shed my "baby weight" I'm going to tell you all exactly how much I gained and exactly how much I've lost so far. Let me preface this revelation by telling you conventional wisdom states there is no reason for a woman to gain more than 30-35 pounds during her pregnancy....obviously this does not take into account donut cravings or the ravenous first trimester hunger that I experienced. I gained 70 pounds. Yes, that's right - twice the "average". So far I have lost 41 pounds... only a little over half-way to my pre-pregnacy weight. But if you add the 10 pounds I would have liked to have lost before I even got pregnant, not quite half-way there. Needless to say, no more donuts for me.
Please hold me accountable blog-o-sphere...I'll update you again in ten pounds.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
You'll always be my baby...
The carpet guy was at the house last night and had the priveledge of meeting Miss M. He told us all about his baby girl, Monica. Monica is 21 years old. Makes me think about how fast the next 21 years is going to go by. I'm always playing "Where was I... Where will I be..." Where was I 2 years ago... planning a wedding, redecorating a house, training a big-dumb-dog. Where will I be in 2 years... potty training a toddler, taking a little girl to her first "swimming" class. Where was I 8 years ago... graduating college, moving to Chicago, single, drunk :). Where will I be in 8 years... Miss M's dance recital, parent-teacher conferences, monitoring a silly-girl sleepover. This game always makes me cry.
Who knew Mariah Carey could identify with Mommy's so well:
You'll Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey:
We were as one babe
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine
Now you want to be free
So I'll let you fly'
Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die no
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Boy don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're ever gonna shake me
Oh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby
I ain't gonna cry no
And i won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave boy
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably, you'll be back again
'Cause you know in your heart babe
Our love will never end no, no
Who knew Mariah Carey could identify with Mommy's so well:
You'll Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey:
We were as one babe
For a moment in time
And it seemed everlasting
That you would always be mine
Now you want to be free
So I'll let you fly'
Cause I know in my heart babe
Our love will never die no
You'll always be a part of me
I'm part of you indefinitely
Boy don't you know you can't escape me
Ooh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby
And we'll linger on
Time can't erase a feeling this strong
No way you're ever gonna shake me
Oh darling 'cause you'll always be my baby
I ain't gonna cry no
And i won't beg you to stay
If you're determined to leave boy
I will not stand in your way
But inevitably, you'll be back again
'Cause you know in your heart babe
Our love will never end no, no
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
OK, hopefully I can describe this well enough so that you all can visualize it and appreciate the hilarity of this event.
Yesterday I was with M in her nursery and I had just let the dogs in from outside. The Jack Russell goes bat-shit-crazy and starts running back and forth between the nursery and our bedroom. We have hardwood floors. Every time the dog makes the lap into our bedroom she slams on the breaks and slides the last two feet into our bedroom, sliding right under the dust-ruffle, right under the bed. Then I hear feet scrambling (vis-a-vis old bugs bunny cartoon - coyote running in place gearing up for a chase) and then the dog comes shooting out from under the bed like a little black and white torpedo.
I laughed my ass off. Then Miss M started laughing at me laughing at the dog. Then the other dog (S) starting freaking out because he thought something bad was happening... which made me laugh even harder. It was a good night.
Yesterday I was with M in her nursery and I had just let the dogs in from outside. The Jack Russell goes bat-shit-crazy and starts running back and forth between the nursery and our bedroom. We have hardwood floors. Every time the dog makes the lap into our bedroom she slams on the breaks and slides the last two feet into our bedroom, sliding right under the dust-ruffle, right under the bed. Then I hear feet scrambling (vis-a-vis old bugs bunny cartoon - coyote running in place gearing up for a chase) and then the dog comes shooting out from under the bed like a little black and white torpedo.
I laughed my ass off. Then Miss M started laughing at me laughing at the dog. Then the other dog (S) starting freaking out because he thought something bad was happening... which made me laugh even harder. It was a good night.
baby worm hole
Just when you think you have it all figured out.... baby falls through a worm hole.
For weeks - wake up at 6:30am, bottle, smile, giggle, nap at 8:00am... wake up at 9:00am, bottle, smile, play, giggle, poop, play some more, another bottle, nap at 1:30pm.... you get the idea. But now... holy crap, schedule upheaval! Is she teething? How the heck am I supposed to know? I see no teeth, feel no teeth. Is she sick? No temperature. Is she constipated? Still got poop (no shortage of poop). What the heck is it?
My guilt-ridden subconscious thinks this new "cranky" phase is due to her blossoming baby brain realizing that mommy is leaving her every day. Poor little M, disappointed in her parents already - and not even a toddler yet.
I want to go home now.
For weeks - wake up at 6:30am, bottle, smile, giggle, nap at 8:00am... wake up at 9:00am, bottle, smile, play, giggle, poop, play some more, another bottle, nap at 1:30pm.... you get the idea. But now... holy crap, schedule upheaval! Is she teething? How the heck am I supposed to know? I see no teeth, feel no teeth. Is she sick? No temperature. Is she constipated? Still got poop (no shortage of poop). What the heck is it?
My guilt-ridden subconscious thinks this new "cranky" phase is due to her blossoming baby brain realizing that mommy is leaving her every day. Poor little M, disappointed in her parents already - and not even a toddler yet.
I want to go home now.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Two baths in one day.
Small dogs like to smell like sh*t. P recieved two baths in one day after rolling in it twice. If humans can evolve away from their primative defense mechanisms why can't dogs? When was the last time a pampered Jack Russell Terrier needed to hide it's scent from predator and prey? Unless you count the stuffed terry-cloth bunny hiding under the coffee table, P has no prey.... therefore no need to smell like crap.
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