Every day I am more and more impressed by the incredible feats of strength Miss M performs. Even the doctor was surprised when Miss M was placed on her tummy and tried to worm her way across the exam table like a little baby kangaroo looking for it's pouch.
So of course I want to do everything I can to foster this activity and help her grow even stronger. Which is why I am contemplating purchasing the biggest, brightest, loudest piece of plastic ever made...the Exersaucer. Exersaucer comes with a variety of features, and the more bells and whistles (and I think it literally has bells and whistles) the higher purchase price. But regardless of price, even the hatchback version seems to take up a good 10 square feet of your living room.
I'm pretty sure that Miss M would love playing in this plastic paradise, but I am equally sure I would hate having this thing hanging out in my living room. What is a mommy to do? Maybe if a super-special grandparent bought it for us I would have no option but to welcome into the family and wouldn't feel as conflicted about it's overbearing presence in my living room...hint...hint... ;)
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