
Friday, July 11, 2008

Catching poop...

My husband J is a great dad. There is nothing he wouldn't do for his darling Miss M. Unfortuneately for him that includes becoming a human diaper.

A few weeks after we brought Miss M home from the hospital J was in full super-dad mode. He split the late night feedings, he changed diapers, he helped her fall asleep at nap time, he did it all (still does). One evening he put on his super-dad cape and went to change a diaper. About 20 minutes later, mission accomplished, he came to bed, but was very quiet.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"I caught her poop," he replies.
What the heck does that mean?

Apparently between taking off the old diaper and putting on the new one she had started to poop. This had never happened to Daddy before. He got flustered and didn't know what to do - so he caught her poop in his hand. This might have made sense, maybe he was trying avoid getting the changing pad full of poop. BUT we happen to keep disposable potty-pads on our changing pad just for such emergencies. Oh well, Daddy was a real daddy that night, standing in the dark with one hand on the baby and the other hand full of poop.

We called her the "Play-doh Fun Factory" for about a week after that.

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