
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I'm turning into a witch...

And it ain't the pretty Glenda the Good Witch type either.

Anybody watch Jon and Kate plus 8? I can totally identify with Kate. She's anal-retentive, bitchy to her husband, a neat-freak, and always thinks she right. My type of lady.

Kate has 8 children so we give her licence to act like a harpie. I mean, the woman has EIGHT CHILDREN! I only have one, so maybe I shouldn't be such a spaz, right? But Kate doesn't have two dogs, my two stupid dogs have to equate to at least one small child, right? And Kate doesn't work outside the home, my job managing others while keeping all our family balls in the air must equal at least one kid! So, Kate has eight and I have a theoretical three. Eight kids is crazy, but three is no walk in the park either.

I know some of my co-workers get to witness my frustration and exhaustion first hand. It can't be K stomping around demanding things, steam coming out of my ears, lasers shooting out from my eyes, and the roaring must be terribly distracting.

But I can't help it. Now I have a purpose, something more important than whatever the heck my purpose was before Miss M. And the fact that I have to leave my primary purpose at home with someone else all day makes the purpose I have at work frustrating. If I'm going to show up at the office everyday it had better be worth my while. I would much rather be at home with my kid, so don't f$#k with me at work. At some point throughout the each day I want to kill just about everyone I work with or for, or myself. (disclaimer: that comment is not a threat of violence, it's an exaggeration)

THANK GOD we're going on vacation this weekend!

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