On the way to MN she was easily entertained right up until we boarded, then as we waited for the rest of the passengers to find their seats she demanded to be fed and scarfed down a full bottle... and promptly passed out in a food coma. She awoke thousands of miles in the air and was a happy baby until we started our descent, then cried for about five minutes and then fell asleep for the landing.
On the way home she was in fine spirits when we entered the gate area to await our flight - and she sure did let the other passengers know it. She screamed her little head off every 15 seconds or so - she just loved the echo her voice was making in that wide open space. I'm sure everyone was dreading getting on the plane with us. I took her for a walk down the terminal, screaming the whole way, until finally she must have knocked something loose in that baby brain of hers because she screamed one last time and fell sound asleep. She woke up just in time for take-off - yay - was a little fussy during take off, not too bad though, and then played with the back cover of a magazine the whole rest of the flight, happy as a clam. Well, happy until the guy in the seat in front of her decided to recline his seat and bonked her on the head. She was quickly mended though - and he felt like a total ass - so all is well.
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