
Monday, August 4, 2008

On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin!

Miss M joined me for a little trip down memory lane this past weekend. We were invited to join our friend B in Mad-town and we jumped at the chance to visit mommy's old stomping grounds. I can't believe how much has changed in the eight years since graduation! (OMG eight years! I'm so old!)

Miss M had a lovely time walking around the Capitol farmers market with me, and strollering up and down State St. She really does very well on trips away from home, but her sleep schedule does turn into something of a mystery. By Saturday evening she hadn't really napped well all day, and I was thinking she needed to go to sleep even though she seemed to be in a pretty good mood and wide awake. So I took her into the bedroom for some quiet time. I whispered "go to sleep" to her and she just looked at me and started laughing. I said it again, "go to sleep", and she erupted into giggles. The rest of the evening every time I said "go to sleep" she laughed and laughed. Go to sleep? Ha Ha Ha! Yeah right mom, you're funny!

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