Friday, November 28, 2008
She kissed me!!!
I just got the best kiss I have ever had in my entire life! Miss M was napping on my lap as J and I watched a movie in the family room. She woke up content and curled up to sit near my shoulder. As she gazed into my eyes I said, "Hi honey, wanna give me a kiss?" but she just starred at me. So I started making funny faces at her, sticking out my tongue... then just smiling. She looked me in the eye and leaned in really close, closer, closer... and gave me a kiss right on the lips! One of the top ten moments of my life, easily. I love my girl.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
You have no idea.
The other day one of my co-workers was telling me how tired I looked. Thanks for the compliment guy, appreciate it. Anyway... I was tired. He asked if I couldn't take some "me" time tonight and rest up (or something along those lines). HA HA HA! You have no idea.
Honestly, I don't know how families with more than one small child do it. The Gosselins no longer amuse me, they scare the crap out of me! Are they aliens? Because I know it's hard enough to stay conscious and coherent throughout the day with only one bundle of joy in my life, I can't imagine doing it with two, three, or eight! "Me" time? What is that? J and I wake up in the morning, rush to get showered and dressed, rush to walk the dogs and feed them (and dole out the Prozac), rush to get Miss M ready for daycare, rush to get to the daycare and drop her off, and then rush to work. Work is almost like an 8-hour vacation at this point, a guilt-ridden, annoying, vacation. After work I rush to meet J, rush to the daycare to pick up M, rush home, rush to get her fed, bathed, pajama'd, and cuddled up for a bottle, HOPE that she falls asleep easily (for her sake and mine) and then somehow stumble through the house trying to remember if there is anything else I need to do - like pay bills, do some laundry, eat.
I know that sounds like complaining - maybe I am, maybe I'm not, I can't really decide. It's a love/hate thing you know? LOVE being a mama, HATE that I'm not a millionaire with boundless energy and can't do everything easily and perfectly. HATE that there are only 24 hours in the day when I could really use about 32. LOVE hearing Miss M giggle as her daddy jumps around like a clown, just so he can make his little girl laugh. That love alone negates the hate. :)
Honestly, I don't know how families with more than one small child do it. The Gosselins no longer amuse me, they scare the crap out of me! Are they aliens? Because I know it's hard enough to stay conscious and coherent throughout the day with only one bundle of joy in my life, I can't imagine doing it with two, three, or eight! "Me" time? What is that? J and I wake up in the morning, rush to get showered and dressed, rush to walk the dogs and feed them (and dole out the Prozac), rush to get Miss M ready for daycare, rush to get to the daycare and drop her off, and then rush to work. Work is almost like an 8-hour vacation at this point, a guilt-ridden, annoying, vacation. After work I rush to meet J, rush to the daycare to pick up M, rush home, rush to get her fed, bathed, pajama'd, and cuddled up for a bottle, HOPE that she falls asleep easily (for her sake and mine) and then somehow stumble through the house trying to remember if there is anything else I need to do - like pay bills, do some laundry, eat.
I know that sounds like complaining - maybe I am, maybe I'm not, I can't really decide. It's a love/hate thing you know? LOVE being a mama, HATE that I'm not a millionaire with boundless energy and can't do everything easily and perfectly. HATE that there are only 24 hours in the day when I could really use about 32. LOVE hearing Miss M giggle as her daddy jumps around like a clown, just so he can make his little girl laugh. That love alone negates the hate. :)
Cute daycare story coming right up!
Miss M was in high spirits this morning. She had a full nights sleep, didn't wake up once (no teeth, fever, cold, etc. to thwart her last night!). She was such a happy girl getting ready for "school" today. When we got to the daycare I took off her Sherpa coat and deposited her on the floor in front of her teacher and next to her classmate, Miss A. I was talking to the teacher and almost didn't notice, but I glanced at Miss M and she had gotten as close as she could to Miss A, practically nose to nose. "M, are you trying to kiss her?" I asked. Teacher said, "Well they are best friends, she must be happy to see her!". It was so damn cute, I almost shed a tear.
Miss M was in high spirits this morning. She had a full nights sleep, didn't wake up once (no teeth, fever, cold, etc. to thwart her last night!). She was such a happy girl getting ready for "school" today. When we got to the daycare I took off her Sherpa coat and deposited her on the floor in front of her teacher and next to her classmate, Miss A. I was talking to the teacher and almost didn't notice, but I glanced at Miss M and she had gotten as close as she could to Miss A, practically nose to nose. "M, are you trying to kiss her?" I asked. Teacher said, "Well they are best friends, she must be happy to see her!". It was so damn cute, I almost shed a tear.
I love codeine!
I am not a drug addict, let me just start there. But I sure do love me some codine! Yesterday I mentioned that my tooth hurt, well by 6 o'clock last night it was killing me so I called my super-amazing dentist and set up an appointment for 6:15 this morning. He thinks I have an infection, so now I'm on amoxycillyn for the next ten days. And he gave me codine for the pain - no pain any more! Woo Hoo! Miss M and I are two peas in a pod, she's got tooth pain, I've got tooth pain. She has a head cold, I have a head cold. She smells like formula, I smell like formula.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Long time no post...
I'm tired. Not just tired, exhausted. Miss M had a rough week last week, and two nights in a row woke up multiple times a night. At about 4:30am each night I just couldn't fall back asleep. Now she's slept through the night the past three nights, but I am still waking up at 4:30am. Ugh. I kinda feel like I'm on drugs, I'm that tired. And my tooth hurts.
Enough complaining. I wish I had something more interesting to write about today. We had three different showings of the house this past weekend, no feedback yet though. Hopefully someone will have liked it enough to free me from those four walls.
Other than that, not much new in our lives. Miss M figured out how to click her tongue. It's pretty cute. That's all I got, sorry.
Enough complaining. I wish I had something more interesting to write about today. We had three different showings of the house this past weekend, no feedback yet though. Hopefully someone will have liked it enough to free me from those four walls.
Other than that, not much new in our lives. Miss M figured out how to click her tongue. It's pretty cute. That's all I got, sorry.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Karma is a b*tch...
Miss M woke up early this morning so she got to cuddle in Mommy and Daddy's bed while we tried to get that last hour of sleep. I gave her a bottle and everyone settled in. About 10 minutes later she barfed up her whole bottle - lucky for me she was facing away from me - unlucky for Daddy. Daddy got his face puked on... and he sleeps with his mouth open, if you know what I'm saying. Yuck! Oh well, 9 times out of 10 it would be me she barfed on, but I'm chocking this one up to Karma... you see, Daddy forgot my birthday yesterday. Yay Karma!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I'm old.
Today is my birthday. Barf. 31. It's soooo not as fun as it was just a couple years ago. A couple years ago I still wanted to go out, eat, drink, be merry. Now... I have to do laundry, and a nine-month-old doesn't care if it's your birthday. I don't feel old just yet, no aches and pains, no reading glasses. But I don't feel young anymore either. And I have a new fear... Have you ever seen that show Kath and Kim? Kath is Kim's mother and in her late forties, but dresses like an style-challenged 20 year old. So, I was in Banana Republic the other day and noticed all these super cute clothes, decided to try a few on. Most were fine, but one... one was clearly not what a 31 year old should be wearing. When the hell did that happen? My fear is at some point I won't be able to tell the difference and I'll become a Kath! Fashion is for the young I guess, at least the fashion that I can afford anyway.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Next Mariah Carey....
Miss M is a singer! Every diaper time I sing her "Old McDonald" because diaper time can be a little hectic and it seems to calm her down, especially the "E I E I Oooo" part. Lately she has started singing along with me - as I sing "E I E I Oooo," she sings "Aaaaaahhhhhh" in one continuous note. When I stop singing she stops singing. When I start again, she starts again. It's so dang cute! Her repertoire consists of only that one note, but still, I think I should get her an agent immediately.
Daddy and the Grocery Store
Mommy had plans with a friend yesterday afternoon, so it was Daddy/Daughter Day! Yay! Just happened to coincide with a showing of the house. Boo! But Daddy and Daughter made the best of it and took a trip to the grocery store to buy bagels. There must be something particularly adorable about a man and his little girl in a grocery store - sans mommy - because he was beaming with fatherly pride when he later told me that he couldn't make it down a single aisle without someone stopping to admire his beautiful girl. Even the teenage boy checking them out at the register commented, "Wow, she's got such big eyes! Oh, uh, I mean that in a good way."
Daddy Dressing Foibles...
Saturday morning Daddy was in charge of dressing Miss M while Mommy took a shower (finally, enough shower time to shave my legs!). After a luxurious 15 minutes in the shower Mommy came out and Daddy and Miss M were waiting for her. "Can you help me put on her pants?" Daddy said as he held the baby aloft. Mommy took one look at the baby and said, "You know her shirt is on backwards, right?" "What! Why would they put the snaps in the back! Argh, it took me 15 minutes to get her in that thing, you're going to have to switch it." Mommy took Miss M back to her changing table, laid her down and noticed a big bump on her tummy underneath her shirt (it was a onsie like thing, snaps a the crotch). "J, come here and take a look at this baby, what is in her shirt?" Daddy comes just as mommy opens up the shirt and takes out a pacifier. "Oh, I was wondering what she did with that thing!". What did Daddy learn that day - baby clothes almost always snap in the back. What did Mommy learn that day - don't let Daddy dress the baby.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Baby Needs a Football Helmet
Daycare is going to call DCFS if this baby goes in there with one more knot on her noggin! Honestly, this kid has a death wish! Last night, in addition to her regular trips and tumbles, she decided to introduce her cranium to the corner of the coffee table and scare the crap out of Daddy. Thank goodness I wasn't home yet, I definitely did not need to see that one. It must not have been that bad though because she decided that the headboard on Mommy and Daddy's bed needed to be head-butted as well. Every night we have quiet time in Mommy's bed to take our last bottle, simmer down, and fall asleep. Last night she was fidgeting so I took my arm from around her and let her crawl around on the mattress. She was so excited to be free that she crawled straight into the headboard at warp speed. That hurt. But not as much as head-butting the corner (sharp corner) of the headboard five minutes later as she attempted to walk the perimeter of the bed. Crazy bumpy baby.
What a Privilege!
I got to vote yesterday! I didn't think I was going to! I had been having trouble figuring out where I was registered (if I was registered), and then I had to stay late at work to finish a last minute project. So at 6:00pm I shot out of the office like a bullet and jumped in a cab. Reached home at 6:30 so I could send J out to vote (he was not as stupid and confused as I was), and at 6:50 he came back and threw the keys at me, "You're registered! Hurry!" I made it to the polling place at 6:57pm - polls close at 7:00pm. I was the last to vote in my precinct. I'm so glad I could be a part of making history and electing our first African American President. Tears of joy and relief - what an emotional 24 hours for everyone in this country. Yay Obama!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Lobsters and Ducks can be friends.
Mortal enemies in the wild, we have the rare opportunity to witness these two species in captivity and in unlikely friendship. Miss M the lobster and Miss E the duck(y), a polite camaraderie has served these two well. Gotta love the daycare Halloween party!

Bath time!
Miss M is becoming a big kid - she loves her bath time! She picks up her rubber duckies and chews on their ducky butts, and she sucks the water out of her wash cloth, and she splashes and splashes....

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