The other day one of my co-workers was telling me how tired I looked. Thanks for the compliment guy, appreciate it. Anyway... I was tired. He asked if I couldn't take some "me" time tonight and rest up (or something along those lines). HA HA HA! You have no idea.
Honestly, I don't know how families with more than one small child do it. The Gosselins no longer amuse me, they scare the crap out of me! Are they aliens? Because I know it's hard enough to stay conscious and coherent throughout the day with only one bundle of joy in my life, I can't imagine doing it with two, three, or eight! "Me" time? What is that? J and I wake up in the morning, rush to get showered and dressed, rush to walk the dogs and feed them (and dole out the Prozac), rush to get Miss M ready for daycare, rush to get to the daycare and drop her off, and then rush to work. Work is almost like an 8-hour vacation at this point, a guilt-ridden, annoying, vacation. After work I rush to meet J, rush to the daycare to pick up M, rush home, rush to get her fed, bathed, pajama'd, and cuddled up for a bottle, HOPE that she falls asleep easily (for her sake and mine) and then somehow stumble through the house trying to remember if there is anything else I need to do - like pay bills, do some laundry, eat.
I know that sounds like complaining - maybe I am, maybe I'm not, I can't really decide. It's a love/hate thing you know? LOVE being a mama, HATE that I'm not a millionaire with boundless energy and can't do everything easily and perfectly. HATE that there are only 24 hours in the day when I could really use about 32. LOVE hearing Miss M giggle as her daddy jumps around like a clown, just so he can make his little girl laugh. That love alone negates the hate. :)
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