1. Miss M says "Hi" now. Said it to everyone in daycare today. Said it to the lunch lady, the teacher, the parents dropping off their kids, etc. Very cute.
2. After many kissless days (possibly weeks), I got a big ol' smackaroo when I got home from work last night. So nice to have my baby healthy again!
3. We sold our house!!!!! Well, technically we've only accecpted an offer, we still have to wait for the inspection and financing and stuff, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that it all works out well. FINALLY!
4. Miss M's new favorite song is "Wheels on the Bus" - she dances to it! It's like watching Pavlov's experiment with the dogs. She might be reading a book, or crying, or whatever, but as soon as you start singing Wheels on the Bus she drops what she's doing, goes into a trance, and starts spinning her arms and dipping her legs.
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