Waiting for Daddy to get home from work can be kinda boring. That's why Maggie likes to try and water the flowers, climb up on her lawn chair, play with sidewalk chalk, and fling herself into our bushes.
A couple days ago we were sitting on the front stoop waiting for Daddy when all of a sudden Maggie decides to do a cartwheel off the top step into the bush beneath her. She literally flipped head over heels and landed on her face. And I'm sitting there like, "10!"... just kidding... I was more like, "Holy shit!" and rushed her inside just as Daddy pulled into the driveway.
I examined her all over, nothing broken, just a scratched up face. She recovered fast and was giggling with Daddy within 10 minutes, but she looks like she got in a fist fight - which really isn't a good look for a toddler. And lucky me, she looks like that the day before she starts her new season of toddler classes (play time and dance). I sure do feel like one classy momma bringing my scabby kid to class let me tell ya. Not to mention the grocery store, home improvement store, etc. I seriously found myself explaining to the Wal-Mart cashier yesterday how my kid got injured, just in case he got the urge to call child services.
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