This week I baked wheat bread and dinner rolls from scratch and was so proud of myself when they actually turned out edible that I decided to take the next step and try my hand at canning. What an idiot I am.
I took Maggie to the apple orchard again last week to check out the petting zoo and pick up apples for a pie. So of course I ended up with a ridiculous amount of apples and thought, "Ooh, I'll make that yummy applesauce again." But given the teetering mountain of apples I brought home, my over-acheiving brain naturally decided to add more stress to my life and figure out how to can the yummy applesauce. Yeah, not doing that again.
I had to visit four different stores before I found any jars, which is soooo fun with a toddler. Then spent half an hour trying to rig something similar to a canning pot out of my hodge podge of cookware. Finally got the thing rigged up, the recipe prepared, and the cans boiling in the water... but for only a few seconds before the pot boiled over dousing the flame... again... and again... and again. Eventually I did pull three jars of applesauce out of the pot that appear to be properly canned, but who knows. I do know, however, that it will be a cold day in hell before I try this tomfoolery again, especially with a toddler at my feet.
Don't give up! You can can! The only thing you're missing is a really, really big canning pot (and some toddler-free time.) I'd call those three jars a huge success. :)
Homemade applesauce, canning, and the word "tomfoolery"! What the heck century were you born in!! I too, at your age tried canning and I also thought - what the h-e-double hockey sticks was I thinking? In the end I couldn't eat any of the stuff I canned, thinking I did it wrong and not wanting to poison my whole family, dag-nabbit(just keeping with the era here). I actually tried canning ketcup - tasted terrible!
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