
Monday, January 4, 2010

So Yeah, Pregnancy...

SUCKS! Yes, it's a miracle and a blessing. Yes, I love the result. And yes, I did this on purpose. But that does not mean I have to enjoy the process. In short, I am sick and tired... literally. I think I may finally be over the all-day-morning-sickness; HOWEVER, it has been replaced by all-day-heartburn which pretty much feels like the same exact thing. And before you get your undies in a bunch about my incessant whining... I'm pregnant, I can whine if I want to.

When I was pregnant with Maggie I was scared shitless about everything - even though nothing really happened. I got fat and I got heartburn, but that's about it. This time around I'm not scared, I mean I kinda know what to expect. I guess that's why God decided this time around I could handle the morning sickness, acne, exhaustion, prescribed "pelvic rest" (try to figure it out on your own, Jason was not at all pleased)and hormone suppositories, huge (painful) ta-tas, and just about every other annoying (albeit not quite debilitating) pregnancy symptom there is. Fun, fun, fun!

To finish up this post I'm going to stop my bitching and say just one more thing. I undoubtedly with turn to this blog to complain many more times. As I've said before, in many ways this is my outlet as much as your window into our lives. I can't complain anymore though, unless I make one thing crystal clear. We are SO LUCKY, so ridiculously, undeservedly lucky to have the chance to give Maggie a sibling and complete our family. I know not everyone has the same chance, and personally know too many women that would give anything to have things as easy as we seem to have had them. I will never, ever forget how precious this gift is or take it for granted(crap, now I'm crying, one more annoying pregnancy symptom) - even when I'm on my knees in front of the toilet wondering why in the hell I ever thought this was a good idea. Even then, I'm one lucky lady.

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