
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What did you do today?

At the end of every day my husband and I ask each other two questions. How was your day, and What did you do today? That second question is always a difficult one for me to answer, in part because I probably did a million little things that don't seem worth mentioning and in part because my brain is fried from following a two year old around all day. Then I end up feeling kinda lazy and bewildered because, crap, what DID I do today?

So, to help myself to a sense of accomplishment today I thought I'd keep a list of all the little things that go into my common stay-at-home-mom day.

6:15am - Can't sleep, but can't get out of bed just yet. Turn on the TV to watch the news while I build up some motivation.
7:00am - Have to get up now if I want any shot at a shower before Maggie wakes up.
7:15am - Out of the shower and trying to get some plucking/moisturizing/nail filing done before I get interrupted in about ten minutes.
7:25am - Like clockwork, Maggie is awake. I'm still not dressed.
7:30am - Playing in "big girl room" while I get dressed.
7:45am - Carrying Maggie, two lovies, stuffed animal, book, baby doll, Maggie's clothes for the day and two dirty glasses downstairs - in one trip.
8:00am - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on DVR, and keeping Maggie company while she sits on the potty. Success! Feeding two dogs and one fish, watering Maggie's seedlings, and letting out/in dogs to the backyard.
8:15am - Getting Maggie dressed.
8:30am - Making breakfast, first for Maggie, then a bagel for me while I check my email, make a grocery list, and make list of "to do" for the day.
9:00am - Cleaning the kitchen counters and stove, washing dishes, putting away random junk laying around the kitchen. Decide I'm going to try and make it to the grocery store early today.
9:15am - Breaking up minor tantrum by Maggie as she insists on one more Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Helping Maggie put a pull-up on, put her pants on, put her shoes and coat on. Dogs outside once more before we leave, then moving laundry and laying down puppy pad in laundry room so stupid f-ing Payton won't pee on the floor.
9:26am - Out the door to the store.
9:35am - Arrive at store and convince Maggie that she is a great helper, she follows me around the store helping to place our purchases in the cart.
10:30am - On our way home. Listening to chants of "Nemo! Nemo!" coming from the backseat.
10:40am - Home, unloading groceries. Pop in Nemo and removing pants/pull-up for more potty time. Cleaning up after Payton in the laundry room, letting dogs out/in. Decide to check email and look up info for the college savings account we're considering opening for Maggie.
10:45am - On the phone with the "Investment Specialist" to request more info regarding the 529 plan. Trying to get him off the phone because Nemo is doing something incredibly important and Maggie is screaming at me to look.
10:55am - Putting away groceries. Rearranging the fridge so things don't get lost, tossing expired food. Separating items that can go downstairs for Maggie's birthday party.
11:10am - On the phone with: my doctors office regarding appointment this week, our old vet to get dog's records transferred, our new vet to make shot appointments, and friend of Maggie's to invite her to Maggie's birthday party this weekend. Hugging Maggie cuz she's just so damn cute.
11:40am - Running to the potty, phew, no accident. Folding laundry on the floor next to the Potty Princess. Run upstairs to get more laundry and when I come down there pee pee in the potty! Whoop Whoop!
12:10pm - Making lunch, first Maggie, then me. Changing a load of laundry. Remembering that I have to pee. And eating lunch while I type up my list... so far.
1:00pm - Clean up lunch, research how to season unseasoned pork sausage for breakfast sausage, and ??? I'm forgetting something. (It's now 4:00 and my brain is slowly oozing out of my ears...)
1:30pm - Take Maggie upstairs to get ready for her nap. Let her play in her big-girl-room while I hang her growth stick on the wall. Then read stories to calm her down, cuddle for a few minutes, then examine her family pictures. Begin attempt number one - laying her down in her toddler bed, leaving the room and closing the door.
1:40pm - Attempt number two.
1:50pm - Attempt number three, and now taking Maggie to bed in her crib. In between attempts I strip our bed and put new sheets and duvet cover on.
2:00pm - After leaving Maggie in her crib to nap, I come downstairs and turn on the Jane Austen movie I've been trying to watch for two days, switch the loads of laundry, carry two bags of party supplies downstairs, and collect birthday presents and wrapping supplies. Fold another load of laundry.
2:30pm - Wrap birthday presents and hide them downstairs.
3:30pm - Make myself a snack and speed watch last weeks episode of Lost.
3:50pm - Update my "list".
4:10pm - Start reorganizing the pantry because I have no idea what is in there anymore (besides the three boxes of fruit snacks I bought today).
4:45pm - Run upstairs to get Maggie out of her crib after her nap, give her hugs and tickles. Bring her downstairs and try to decipher what snack/toy/whatever it is she is trying to tell me she needs. Give her fruit snacks. Feed the dogs.
4:55pm - Continue reorganizing the pantry.
5:15pm - Finished with the pantry, give Maggie the flashlight she is pointing to. Warn her that Stevie doesn't like the flashlight. Sit down to add more to the "list" and listen to Maggie laugh her ass off as she terrorizes the dog with the flashlight. Let Payton out/in. Take out the trash.
5:25pm - Sit down to fold another load of laundry. Feed the fish. Switch two more loads of laundry.
5:45pm - Return a phone call, take a call (woo hoo! no work tomorrow!), call friend about tomorrow's play date, call my mom and leave a message.
6:00pm - Put away tools used in Maggie's big girl room.
6:10pm - Answer returned call from my mom. Sit down and talk.
6:20pm - Jason is home. I'm exhausted. I ask him, "How was your day? What did you do?" Maggie comes up to me and announces, "Mama, eat!" meaning she wants her dinner now. Off to make dinner.... list project is done for the day.

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