
Thursday, May 6, 2010

My Body Hates Me

I am never intentionally getting pregnant again. Never ever. I forgot how much these last two months suck, forgot that it got worse. Seriously, for all the time and money spent by scientists trying to find a way for women who have trouble getting pregnant to procreate, I think just as much time and money should be spent trying to find a way for pregnancy not to suck so much. If nothing else, someone please, please, PLEASE work out the heartburn thing! Oh, and the bending over... or rather the inability to bend over. If we could fix those two things the world would be a much happier place.

I mean really, men like to complain an awful lot about women nagging, whining, having high expectations, getting fat, getting old, etc, etc, etc. But do you know how much crap we have to put up with that you men will never have to deal with? Everyone likes to make a big deal about the pain of childbirth being the one thing men will never fully understand. Well, to be honest, neither will I (hopefully) because I intend to be so doped up on my epidural that it's the least of my worries.

I can think of a lot of other things a man will never fully understand. I don't think enough is said about the emotional pain associated with not being able to tie your shoe, or the physical pain of getting kicked in the hip (from the inside) so hard it makes a little bit of pee come out. Or how about craving a Pop Tart so bad that you actually eat a Pop Tart and then are not only riddled with guilt for eating sugared cardboard but are also riddled with pain as heartburn flares through your chest so bad you want to cry. Jesus Christ, it's only a Pop Tart, why am I crying! And how is it that maternity pants can be too big and too tight AT THE SAME TIME! ARGGGGHHH!

Ten more weeks...

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