Have I mentioned that my daughter must have some German blood in her? She is a big fan of discipline. So much so that we have had to move on from time-out to a reward chart. Time-out has served us well, but when your kid starts putting herself in time-out she kind of gains the upper hand on you. I love that she can recognize when she needs some quiet time to herself, but when that quiet time is taken at the grocery store - and she refuses to leave the dairy aisle because she wants to remain in time-out - you realize that you are no longer in control.
As a result, we have started the "Rainbow Kitty" chart. Sidebar - if there was any doubt about the femininity of my child you just have to refer to this chart, throw together some rainbows and kitty's and she is totally on board. Anyway... the Rainbow Kitty chart has a list of "bad" and a list of "good" things she can do to move her little kitty magnet up and down the rainbow. At the top of the rainbow is a reward. She totally wants that reward, even though she has no idea what it is, we've been moving the kitty up the rainbow all day. There was one backward slide after we came home hot and sweaty from the park, and boy did shit hit the fan when that Kitty slid down a color. Kitty really should have landed on his butt on the floor, so many "bad" infractions, but we're still learning so kitty is hovering somewhere in the middle of the chart.
I'll tell you how this all works out - I'm sure Fraulein Maggie will figure out a way to beat the system before you know it.
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