It's funny to me that I can look at Maggie all day long and think, "My God, when did she get sooo big!" And then night falls and my big girl turns into a big baby. Is it possible for a two and a half year old to have colic?
It's our fault really, we've become very lax on the bedtime routine since Catie was born. The actual time of bed has slowly been moving later and later, and now there is requisite "Barbie Movie" watching involved. Add to that a nap that is frequently left clutching it's bag by the side of the road and you've got what happened last night - the mother of all tantrums. I'm talking the kind of tantrum where you have to ask your kid if she's going to barf, the kind of tantrum that can get CPS called on you because she literally sounds like she's being killed.
I spent about an hour and a half last night prying my inconsolably pissed-off kid off of my back, my legs, my shoulders, and depositing her into what seems to have been boiling hot lava, every time she hit the sheets she slithered off to the floor, scrambled to her feet, and attempted to tackle me. At one point, seeing that begging and pleading, crying and screaming, weren't working in her favor, she actually resorted to swatting at me. Why do kids think that if things aren't going their way the sure fire way to get what they want is to do something that will make Mom dig in her heels even further?
Finally she had exhausted herself so thoroughly that she accepted my offer of hand-holding until she could calm down (and launch another attack). I slowly counted to 100 while she laid in bed with her chest heaving, still choking on tears and slobber. I only made it to 25... and she's out. Time for bed.
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