Can we please stop pretending that we never let our children watch television? Can we PLEASE stop pretending that our kids never, ever, eat french fries or *gasp* fast food. And I would really appreciate it if you would get real and stop putting on make-up and high heeled boots just to come to a half-hour kiddie dance class, we all know you have half a sucked sucker, a few cheerios, and used tissue in your purse...we have it too! And stop using cutesy little expressions in place of appropriate adult language, "Oh pudding puff!" is ridiculous.
Seriously, do you want to know why new mama's have trouble "feeling like a woman" or "remembering the me without kids"? It's because we keep trying to keep up with someone else's idea of what motherhood is supposed to look like. You seem to have two choices these day. Mama #1: Sweatpants, dark circles, ponytail, stained T-shirt, McDonald's happy meal, Dora the Explorer backpack, etc. - OR - Mama #2: Designer jeans, heeled shoes, make-up, blow-dried hair, organic carrots, organic cotton, Hybrid SUV, etc. Pick, pick, pick! Which one are you? Ugh. NEITHER!
Can't I be a good Mom and still give my kid a Happy Meal from time to time? And I'm sorry, but Mama #2 just makes me tired. Can't I be a little of both? A bit of this, a pinch of that, shake it up and you get Maggie and Catie's perfect Mama? Can't we all just stop pretending? I know I have. End of rant, I'm off to feed my kids fried foods while swearing at them, watching TV, and drinking a BIG ol' glass of wine. That was a joke... or was it... eh hem.
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