I love that we're at that age with Maggie when everything that comes out of her mouth sounds hilarious. Her loose grasp of the English language, coupled with her preschool logic... I get a little chuckle every single day. Like yesterday, after we got home from her Gymnastics class, she was helping to change Cate's diaper and telling me she had so much fun at "Gym-accidents" class. A more appropriate name than the original, if you ask me.
Last night I was getting ready for bed and assumed she had long been asleep. All of a sudden she's yelling "Mama, Mama! I (something inaudible)." I go to check out what calamity might have befallen her, and as I bend down to listen to her excuse for being awake at 9:00pm she calmly explains that she "burnt my lip Mom. I can't go to sleep with my lip burnt." Burnt her lip, ehhh? While lying in bed? Interesting. How did she do it? When did she do it? "I don't remember." Does it hurt? "Yes." Oh, well, good night Maggie. "Good night Mom."
(By the way, there is no burn)
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Photo Shoot
Check out Maggie's yearly photos, Catie's in on it this year too. Family - I purchased the rights to these photos*, so you can download from here if you'd like to make prints, or if you prefer I can order prints from the photo shop for you for about $3.50 per sheet. Gigi and Papa Gary, I have a 5x7 of each close up for you already, if you'd like me to order others please let me know.
*these photos are the sole property of Kelli Calhoun and are not to be used or reprinted without express permission from the owner.

*these photos are the sole property of Kelli Calhoun and are not to be used or reprinted without express permission from the owner.

I Can't Wait...
"Mommy, I want Catie to grow-up so she can be my best friend."
Awwww.... crying just a little bit. So sweet.
Awwww.... crying just a little bit. So sweet.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Pink and Farkley
Remember how I said that Maggie has a bit of trouble with "S" and "F" sounds? You'll need that information for this post...
Maggie's favorite color is pink. Yesterday she told me that her eyes were blue and so she liked blue too, but PINK IS HER FAVORITE! Ninety percent of her stuffed animals are pink (100% of the ones she sleeps with are pink) and they all have names like Pink Lovey, Pinky Dog, Pink Fishy, etc. And as if that wasn't girlie enough - now we like farkles (sparkles) as well. So now everything needs to be pink-farkley. Last night we had a tea party on the steps and I was served pink-farkley flavored tea. Her favorite shoes are the pink-farkley ones. And today we have to go to BabiesRUs and get a new cup holder for her carseat... a pink-farkley one. Not sure how I'm going to pull that one off. I think maybe glitter and duct-tape, I'll call it the Ke$ha cup.
Maggie's favorite color is pink. Yesterday she told me that her eyes were blue and so she liked blue too, but PINK IS HER FAVORITE! Ninety percent of her stuffed animals are pink (100% of the ones she sleeps with are pink) and they all have names like Pink Lovey, Pinky Dog, Pink Fishy, etc. And as if that wasn't girlie enough - now we like farkles (sparkles) as well. So now everything needs to be pink-farkley. Last night we had a tea party on the steps and I was served pink-farkley flavored tea. Her favorite shoes are the pink-farkley ones. And today we have to go to BabiesRUs and get a new cup holder for her carseat... a pink-farkley one. Not sure how I'm going to pull that one off. I think maybe glitter and duct-tape, I'll call it the Ke$ha cup.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
The Dreaded Pony Request!
Seriously? She's not even three years old yet and already I've been hit with this?
"Mom, I want a horsey for my birthday. A REAL one."
"Hmmmm. Well honey, horses need a barn to live in and we don't have a barn at our house."
"Mom, I want a barn for my horsey for my birthday. A barn AND a horsey."
"Well honey, horses eat a lot and their food is really, really, REALLY expensive. I don't think we have enough money for that. But YOUR AUNTIE JORDAN DOES! Maybe this summer we can visit her and she'll let you see her horses.
"Oh, OK Mom."
Placated, for now.
"Mom, I want a horsey for my birthday. A REAL one."
"Hmmmm. Well honey, horses need a barn to live in and we don't have a barn at our house."
"Mom, I want a barn for my horsey for my birthday. A barn AND a horsey."
"Well honey, horses eat a lot and their food is really, really, REALLY expensive. I don't think we have enough money for that. But YOUR AUNTIE JORDAN DOES! Maybe this summer we can visit her and she'll let you see her horses.
"Oh, OK Mom."
Placated, for now.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What can I say, the girl is a natural. School is the bomb. She woke up this morning and helped to pick out her clothes. She picked a sparkly shirt, because she wanted to show her teacher. She sang a song about Emily, her classmate, in the car on the way there, and she showed me the way to the restroom where she washes her hands before class (which is cute because of course I was the one to show her on the first day). At home she told me that the snack was just OK because the cheese was not good. She sang a song about sticky bubblegum stuck on her foot, sticky, sticky, sticky. And she warned me that I should not run in the snow because I could slip and fall and get hurt. When we painted with watercolors in the afternoon she grabbed the tape out of the drawer and explained that we had to put the pictures on the wall and showed me how to make tape circles. She told me that Andrew, another classmate, had a doctors appointment and that was why he wasn't at school last week. And she told me that the same Andrew spilled her cup of water at snack time and she forgot to get more water, OH NO! "I FORGOT TO GET MORE WATER!!!"
It's amazing what an outside influence will do to you kid. In this case it's all good, I can tell already that she listens to her teacher better than she listens to me. But it makes it easy to understand how so many kids get so messed up. One not-so-good friend, care-giver, teacher or whoever.... doesn't take much to get into a kids head, good or bad. Geez, I really need to stop swearing.
It's amazing what an outside influence will do to you kid. In this case it's all good, I can tell already that she listens to her teacher better than she listens to me. But it makes it easy to understand how so many kids get so messed up. One not-so-good friend, care-giver, teacher or whoever.... doesn't take much to get into a kids head, good or bad. Geez, I really need to stop swearing.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Ten Commandments
I inexplicably have alone time at the moment. I probably shouldn't even be typing this, because as soon as I do it will come to an end, butttt.... both kids are asleep!!!! That hardly EVER happens.
I don't much like New Year's resolutions, I'm not at all good at keeping them. So this year I'm trying something new. I've had this in my head for a few days now, my 2011 Ten Commandments. Thy shall...
1. Stop eating meals like it's the last time I will ever have food.
2. Start taking better care of my teeth.
3. Use Maggie's preschool time as Mommy gym time.
4. Take a multi-vitamin daily... or at least bi-weekly.
5. Leave the TV off.
6. Stop using my credit cards.
7. Strengthen my knees (which seem to be creaking every time I walk upstairs now).
8. Become a better sewer.
9. Use more moisturizer.
10. Try to get everyone more quality sleep time.
What are your ten commandments this year?
I don't much like New Year's resolutions, I'm not at all good at keeping them. So this year I'm trying something new. I've had this in my head for a few days now, my 2011 Ten Commandments. Thy shall...
1. Stop eating meals like it's the last time I will ever have food.
2. Start taking better care of my teeth.
3. Use Maggie's preschool time as Mommy gym time.
4. Take a multi-vitamin daily... or at least bi-weekly.
5. Leave the TV off.
6. Stop using my credit cards.
7. Strengthen my knees (which seem to be creaking every time I walk upstairs now).
8. Become a better sewer.
9. Use more moisturizer.
10. Try to get everyone more quality sleep time.
What are your ten commandments this year?
Friday, January 7, 2011
Busy! Busy, busy, busy, BUSY! I'm sorry I've been neglecting you, but I finally just finished Mount Laundry-more, or Mount More Laundry. Same thing. Funny how two weeks away, a major holiday, and about fifty other things push laundry to the bottom of the list (apparently, just above blogging).
Let's see, how was our holiday... there was an early Christmas, a trip to Cayman, New Year's at home, and the first day of school. So much to type about, so little time. Let me give you the Campbell's version (condensed)...
Christmas (see pictures below):
Turns out Catie loves unwrapping gifts. Kinda "eh" on the actual gift inside, but fascinated by the tearing of paper. Couldn't keep her grubby little hands off of the boxes. Maggie's fav this year was a Barbie "Show and Shower" horse. You actually get to put water in it's tub and shower it... yes, with REAL water! Yay! Needless to say, this is not my favorite gift, actually, it falls into the "What the hell was I thinking" category of gifts. I think Cate's fav was wrapping paper, ahhh, my simple child (she says with a wink).
Cayman (see even more pictures below):
Ahhhhhhhhh.... that's pretty much it.
Just kidding... Cayman was beautiful as always. Sunny most days, warm most days, lots of relaxing and convincing small children that yes, it was in fact bedtime. Read a new book, The Passage by Justin Cronin, would highly recommend it (if you like post-apocalyptic vampire thrillers with strong attention to detail). The kids were a dream on the flight there and back, and now we're looking forward to the next trip, Disney in about three weeks.
And last but not least, first day of school:
Maggie is officially a preschooler. She started Tuesday/Thursday morning preschool at a local Montessori school. To be perfectly honest, I still don't have the damnedest idea what Montessori is, but it's one of the only places I could find that offered a "toddler" class (she would otherwise be starting in September) that wasn't a daycare. So far, all I do know about Montessori is that they must teach them how to do the dishes, because after dinner on her first day she ponied right up to the kitchen sink and insisted on washing all the dishes. Hey, it may not be the alphabet, but I'm not complaining.
She loves school, by the way. It makes me wish I would have had her start back in September. She cried for about 30 seconds the first day, but fit right in after that. The teacher says it's like she's been a part of the class all year. We're so proud of her and when I tell her that she beams from ear to ear and says, "I'm proud of me too Mom!" Oh, and in case you were wondering, I didn't really cry either.
Lots-o-pictures at the following site: shutterly

Let's see, how was our holiday... there was an early Christmas, a trip to Cayman, New Year's at home, and the first day of school. So much to type about, so little time. Let me give you the Campbell's version (condensed)...
Christmas (see pictures below):
Turns out Catie loves unwrapping gifts. Kinda "eh" on the actual gift inside, but fascinated by the tearing of paper. Couldn't keep her grubby little hands off of the boxes. Maggie's fav this year was a Barbie "Show and Shower" horse. You actually get to put water in it's tub and shower it... yes, with REAL water! Yay! Needless to say, this is not my favorite gift, actually, it falls into the "What the hell was I thinking" category of gifts. I think Cate's fav was wrapping paper, ahhh, my simple child (she says with a wink).
Cayman (see even more pictures below):
Ahhhhhhhhh.... that's pretty much it.
Just kidding... Cayman was beautiful as always. Sunny most days, warm most days, lots of relaxing and convincing small children that yes, it was in fact bedtime. Read a new book, The Passage by Justin Cronin, would highly recommend it (if you like post-apocalyptic vampire thrillers with strong attention to detail). The kids were a dream on the flight there and back, and now we're looking forward to the next trip, Disney in about three weeks.
And last but not least, first day of school:
Maggie is officially a preschooler. She started Tuesday/Thursday morning preschool at a local Montessori school. To be perfectly honest, I still don't have the damnedest idea what Montessori is, but it's one of the only places I could find that offered a "toddler" class (she would otherwise be starting in September) that wasn't a daycare. So far, all I do know about Montessori is that they must teach them how to do the dishes, because after dinner on her first day she ponied right up to the kitchen sink and insisted on washing all the dishes. Hey, it may not be the alphabet, but I'm not complaining.
She loves school, by the way. It makes me wish I would have had her start back in September. She cried for about 30 seconds the first day, but fit right in after that. The teacher says it's like she's been a part of the class all year. We're so proud of her and when I tell her that she beams from ear to ear and says, "I'm proud of me too Mom!" Oh, and in case you were wondering, I didn't really cry either.
Lots-o-pictures at the following site: shutterly
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