
Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Dreaded Pony Request!

Seriously? She's not even three years old yet and already I've been hit with this?

"Mom, I want a horsey for my birthday. A REAL one."
"Hmmmm. Well honey, horses need a barn to live in and we don't have a barn at our house."
"Mom, I want a barn for my horsey for my birthday. A barn AND a horsey."
"Well honey, horses eat a lot and their food is really, really, REALLY expensive. I don't think we have enough money for that. But YOUR AUNTIE JORDAN DOES! Maybe this summer we can visit her and she'll let you see her horses.
"Oh, OK Mom."

Placated, for now.

1 comment:

UKnowwho said...

Yea, seeing a REAL barn and REAL horsey and Auntie Jordan riding, making it look easy...that will stop her from wanting her OWN barn and horsey. Better start looking for stables now.