
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

About Cate....

Once again, darling Cate is the poor forgotten second child. There have been ground breaking developments in her life and here I am all "Maggie this, Maggie that, Maggie, Maggie, Maggie." Well Catie, I'd like to say this will be a limited time experience... you know, neglect... but such is the fate of the second born. I'll try harder though, I promise (because you truly are one special baby bird). Let's start with this post.

We can officially sit up without being held on to. The sitting started at just before six months, with lots of flopping, but now at just over seven months we have this skill nailed. We're showing interest in crawling as well, and can shimmy our body across the floor if in dire need of a lovey or teething ring.

These two feats are not nearly our most exciting though. We were really showing off when we decided to say our FIRST WORD on Saturday. Some may say it's just coincidence, but then it's a coincidence that has repeated itself about four times....Catie said Mama! I was holding her and loving on her and she had a huge smile on her face, grabbed my head and said, "Ma, Ma, Mama." I'll take it! (especially since Maggie's first word at this exact same age was "Daddy")

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