
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cate 2.0

You'll live for weeks with a growing baby and think you know her so well, then all of a sudden there is one day that you take a second look and realize your baby has changed. She's baby 2.0. Yesterday was one of those days for Cate.

She's been loving mom lately, she'll get all bouncy when she sees me come into the room, but yesterday took mommy-worship to a whole other level. She literally tried to climb up my leg after I set her on the floor so I could hold Maggie. I picked her up to hold them both and she swung out her arm and Heisman'ed Maggie - hand straight in her face. You could practically hear her growl "Get off my Mama!" The whole rest of the day if I didn't want to hold her I needed to be completely out of her line of sight or she would start to complain and reach for me. You'd think I'd be flattered, nope! Just annoyed. I love that she loves me, but this new clingy-nees is not going to make our lives any easier.

Later that day we were sitting down to dinner with all of our Iowa peeps at Cheesecake Factory. The server brought a plate of sliced banana and crusty bread to entertain her. I was watching her closely, we haven't progressed by dissolving Gerber-stars yet. Imagine my surprise when she started shoveling it all into her big trap. You should have seen her tear into those bananas... and the bread... and the wedges of tomato from my salad... I guess she's ready to try something more interesting than banana-flavored packing peanuts.

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