
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Aftermath

At Walmart today, perusing the clearance Halloween stuff.  Moms all around, we're scampering through the aisles like ants on a day-old donut.  Now safetly at home, I consider this particular shopping trip and crown myself the queen of suburban moms for the day.  At the store I had let myself be convinced by my three-year-old to use the "kid" cart - the enormous cart that has two extra seats for kids... and as I repeatedly bash into the displays of plastic spiders and Halloween pop-rocks, I'm probably (definitely) wearing mom jeans.  So those two poor decisions combined make me queen mom for the day.  Yay me!

At the check-out Maggie decides that she is going to talk to everyone in line.  She corrects the man in front of us when he calls Cate a boy, yelling, "She's not a boy, she's a girl!  And she LOVES candy corn!"  She tells the cashier to have a nice day.  She is obviously in a precocious mood today.  She sees the collection bin for Children's Charities (one of those things you put a nickel in and it winds through chutes and ladders until it falls to the bottom) and asks for some money. 
"I don't have any more money, honey."
"Well mom, then gimme one of those green things."
"A dollar?  A dollar is money too baby, and if I don't have a nickel for you I definitely don't have a dollar."
"Welllll... mom... just gimme your wallet."

I couldn't help it, I laughed at that one.  That deserved a reward (I type sarcastically), so I fished out a penny for her.  The whole time her sister is sitting in the cart, frantically, hysterically, trying to pry open a bag of candy corn.  My little Sweet-tooth. 

Good times.

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