SLEEPOVER! Mothers everywhere shudder at the mere mention of the word. We've survived yet another, but just barely (she says with a wink and a smile).
After a sweaty afternoon at Great America and a twilight dip in the baby-pool, the kids were happy to get ready for bed... they weren't exactly ready to sleep, but at least they were in bed. Four kids, two sleeping, and two four-year-old little girls giggling and talking until 10:30pm.
I woke at 7:00, made it through my normal routine, had just pulled back my hair and was about to go downstairs when, "MOMMY!" rang out. I am met in the hall by a six-year-old stating the obvious, "That was loud!" and enter the room of the four-year-olds to find them both giggling under their blankets. All I can think is... ugh. I don't know about our guests, but Maggie, three hours short on sleep, is not a fun Maggie. We're going to have an interesting time at community fireworks tonight... if we make it that far.
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