
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Calhoun Family Dictionary

Disastrophe - Combination of the words Disaster and Catastrophe.  Definition: A terrible event the likes of which a four-year-old may interpret as the end of the world.  Real-World example:  "Mom!  Oh no!  I can't find my Barbie's necklace!   This is a Disatrophe!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Less Cheese Please

Today was brutally hot - 100 degrees... again.  The girls and I needed an activity that didn't require any outdoor time, which is so sad considering we will be cooped up indoors for at least six months come November.  We decided today would be a mall day, which in turn means it's a Rainforest Cafe day... lucky, lucky day!

Maggie hearts Rainforest Cafe in a big way.  The fish, the elephants, the monkeys, the "rain", all love, love, love.  Catie, on the other hand, is not nearly so fond.  Somehow we managed to be seated before the monkeys started screaming and the thunder started rumbling, and the girls were very excited to examine a new display of animatronic tigers... that is, until the tigers began to roar, at which point Catie turned and ran, yelling "Mommy, Mommy!" and mothers across the restaurants popped their heads up in unison like the perfect impression of a meercat colony.  She was scared, poor thing.  I was laughing at her... so now you should feel even more sorry for her I guess.

Halfway through her macaroni and cheese the thunderstorm began... and as if that's not enough to scare the pants off your two-year-old, the monkeys start twitching and hollering.... nothing will make a kid drop a handful of cheesy noodles faster than thunder, lightening, and dusty, fake monkeys.  She vaulted out of her highchair, cheesy, slimy hands and all, and into my arms, buried her cheesy face in my shoulder (and hair) and chanted, "Oh no, Monkeys get me!"  You'll be proud to hear that this time I did not laugh.  This time I comforted my baby... while I silently cursed macaroni and cheese tried to stay as still as possible to minimize the amount of cheese that would be transferred to my shirt, back, hair, and face. 

Next time we're ordering the chicken nuggets.... no ketchup.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

I Did It!

Wanna know the three most magical, musical words in my little Cate's limited vocabulary?  "I did it!"  She walks down the stairs all by herself and proudly proclaims, "I did it!"... she takes her pants off all by herself and beams, "I did it!"... she figures out how to use the remote for our Wii to start Calliou on Netflix all by herself, "I did it!"  (seriously, the two year old knows how it works better than my husband, if that doesn't make you feel old I don't know what will) 

I love her pride and confidence, it is so sweet and sincere. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things... Catie Edition

Two-years-old last Friday, someday you'll ask me what you liked as a baby... or more likely, I'll reminisce fondly and make you listen.

Favorite Movies:  Annie and Frosty the Snowman
Favorite Restaurant:  McDonalds (or "Donalds!")
Favorite Color:  Yellow
Favorite Book:  Bad Dog Marley!
Favorite TV Show:  Calliou (FML)
Favorite Song:  Wheels on the Bus
Favorite Meal:  Mac and Cheese
Favorite Parent:  Daddy
Favorite Things:  Lala (Lovey) and Blanket

Sunday, July 15, 2012


It's been awhile... it's difficult to find time to pen updates during the summer, seems like we're constantly on the move and everything is constantly in disarray.  But alas, since I am keeping this blog as a sort-of memoir for my daughters, it is my duty to update it... even if it is periodically.


Maggie said "chamelion" today, which I thought was pretty funny... it's not a very common word after all.  And while we're talking about vocabulary, I have to give a shout out to my girl Catie, who can say "trampoline" and pretty much mimics everything her big sister says.  She is two-years-old now, after all, a big girl!  She really could care less though - when I ask her if she is a big girl she emphatically shakes her head no.

I feel like we've been all over the place lately... so much to do.  Maggie was in her first parade, Fourth of July, while we all looked on from the shady side of the street.  Papa (grandpa) was asked to walk as part of the neighborhood watch and offered to pull her and her wagon along with him.  She was super excited, until she had to wait in the 100 degree weather for the parade to start... that Papa, what a good sport.  What else, what else... we've had lots of fun at Great America this summer, Maggie is tall enough to go on some of the roller coasters.  We've been to the zoo, downtown to the Field Museum, to Madison to visit friends, movies, pool, water park, petting farm, so many things it's hard to remember... and the summer is only half over!