
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Less Cheese Please

Today was brutally hot - 100 degrees... again.  The girls and I needed an activity that didn't require any outdoor time, which is so sad considering we will be cooped up indoors for at least six months come November.  We decided today would be a mall day, which in turn means it's a Rainforest Cafe day... lucky, lucky day!

Maggie hearts Rainforest Cafe in a big way.  The fish, the elephants, the monkeys, the "rain", all love, love, love.  Catie, on the other hand, is not nearly so fond.  Somehow we managed to be seated before the monkeys started screaming and the thunder started rumbling, and the girls were very excited to examine a new display of animatronic tigers... that is, until the tigers began to roar, at which point Catie turned and ran, yelling "Mommy, Mommy!" and mothers across the restaurants popped their heads up in unison like the perfect impression of a meercat colony.  She was scared, poor thing.  I was laughing at her... so now you should feel even more sorry for her I guess.

Halfway through her macaroni and cheese the thunderstorm began... and as if that's not enough to scare the pants off your two-year-old, the monkeys start twitching and hollering.... nothing will make a kid drop a handful of cheesy noodles faster than thunder, lightening, and dusty, fake monkeys.  She vaulted out of her highchair, cheesy, slimy hands and all, and into my arms, buried her cheesy face in my shoulder (and hair) and chanted, "Oh no, Monkeys get me!"  You'll be proud to hear that this time I did not laugh.  This time I comforted my baby... while I silently cursed macaroni and cheese tried to stay as still as possible to minimize the amount of cheese that would be transferred to my shirt, back, hair, and face. 

Next time we're ordering the chicken nuggets.... no ketchup.

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