We're back from our Fourth of July farm adventure. Miss M had a marvelous time meeting all her silly Aunties, Uncles, and Cousins. Below are a few highlights from the trip. Although I doubt the ceiling fan incident would be considered a highlight by Miss M... that's right Granny Nanny, you're in the blog today.
Four and a half hours in an SUV with two dogs and a 5 month old baby is not fun, lets just start with that.
First day in Iowa Miss M and I ditched Daddy to go with the ladies to our cousin's baby shower. Miss M only gets to be the "new baby" for about six months before she is usurped. Oh well, we'll be glad to have another baby girl in the family. We gave the Mom-to-be a bunch of stuff - including a package of potty-pads. Daddy-to-be thought they might be for Mommy and I had to explain that they are for the changing table. Then I got attacked by a giant spider. No joke, it was on the sofa and huge and veiney. Gross. Aside from the spider attack it was a very nice party.
Second day in Iowa someone had the bright idea to decorate the Gator (for you non-farm people that's pretty much just a big riding lawn mower without a blade) in red, white and blue and enter ourselves in the town 4th of July parade. I love to decorate, so we went to town on this thing and pretty soon it looked like the Statue of Liberty had puked national pride all over it. Phase one was complete, but no one had really thought ahead to phase two - who wants to drive/ride this thing in the parade? Anyone, anyone? Crickets. To avoid disappointing a nine year old, Daddy and I stepped up. Those that cowered in fear at the thought of driving a lawn mower down the street in front of hundreds of people shall not be forgotten... we will remember this when Miss M is of lawn-mower-riding age and you will be called upon to repay us.
Third day in Iowa little city dog P discovered cows. And the cows discovered her. For a ratter she's a pretty good herder, if you could call running up to cows barking at them, trying to bite them in the ankle, and then running in circles like her brain had short circuited "herding". Also on the third day Granny Nanny came back from the street festival in a really (really) good mood, picked up Miss M to swing her in the air, and bonked her head on the ceiling fan light. You know that vacation is over when your daughter gets a concussion from a light bulb. (no, she is not really concussed - she's just fine)
On the fourth day we all went home.
Farm time is fun! Thank you everyone for hanging out with us - and for loving up our baby all weekend - and for feeding us and taking care of P & S!