We had our six-month pediatrician appointment yesterday and got FOUR SHOTS! Poor Miss M, she screamed and screamed, not that I can blame her. The tears were a plenty alright. Then last night she ran a fever because of the whole thing. Poor girl.
Anyway - She is now 25 inches long and 13 pounds, 2 ounces (although I think she might weigh more than that, she's had diarrhea the past 36 hours so she's probably lost a few ounces).
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Cousin C's preference in Halloween costume...
Hi Auntie S! Your story about Cousin C's reaction to Miss M's Halloween costume options was just to hilarious to keep to myself, so now it is in the blog.
Background: Miss M had the choice of being a pretty pink fuzzy bunny for Halloween... or a lobster. I'm sure you can guess what her parents preference is, and being deliriously happy to please her parents, the six-month-old Miss M decided (or was forced) to go with the Lobster. When Auntie S told three-year-old Cousin C about this here was his reaction (per Auntie S's email):
"Just had to tell you what C said about M's costume ideas. We were talking about the trip to the pumpkin patch when I said that M was going to wear her costume and I told him that she was going to be a lobster or a bunny. He proceeded to say that "I need to tell Aunt K that the lobster has to go back to the store. M can't be a lobster. I am afraid of lobsters. She needs to be bunny." I thought it was funny because he was so strong in his words, it was like he was yelling it. C does not like the lobster tanks at the food store, he covers eyes every time we are there."
I love my nephew, he is so awesome. But Miss M is still going to be a lobster. Or I guess we could call her a crab...I wonder if he is afraid of crabs?
Background: Miss M had the choice of being a pretty pink fuzzy bunny for Halloween... or a lobster. I'm sure you can guess what her parents preference is, and being deliriously happy to please her parents, the six-month-old Miss M decided (or was forced) to go with the Lobster. When Auntie S told three-year-old Cousin C about this here was his reaction (per Auntie S's email):
"Just had to tell you what C said about M's costume ideas. We were talking about the trip to the pumpkin patch when I said that M was going to wear her costume and I told him that she was going to be a lobster or a bunny. He proceeded to say that "I need to tell Aunt K that the lobster has to go back to the store. M can't be a lobster. I am afraid of lobsters. She needs to be bunny." I thought it was funny because he was so strong in his words, it was like he was yelling it. C does not like the lobster tanks at the food store, he covers eyes every time we are there."
I love my nephew, he is so awesome. But Miss M is still going to be a lobster. Or I guess we could call her a crab...I wonder if he is afraid of crabs?
A new feat of strength...
I'm sure you all know by now that we have a little Hercules living with us, and her feat's of strength are not just saved for Festivus (Seinfeld reference). Miss M jumped another hurdle this past weekend - pushing up into a sitting position. I have to say, it's a little disconcerting to put your baby in her crib on her tummy to play and to come back three minutes later to see her sitting straight up. She's also becoming a bit of a mountain climber, so I guess it's time to lower the crib mattress.
Oh, and she's six months old today. Can you believe it? I can't. I pulled out a six-month size pajama for her last night, and it almost fit - and it looked gigantic before I crammed her into it. She's getting so big, my little nugget.
Oh, and she's six months old today. Can you believe it? I can't. I pulled out a six-month size pajama for her last night, and it almost fit - and it looked gigantic before I crammed her into it. She's getting so big, my little nugget.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The dreaded first airplane flight!
We took Miss M on her first airplane ride this past weekend - an hour long flight to and from Minneapolis, MN. She did really well, much better than expected.
On the way to MN she was easily entertained right up until we boarded, then as we waited for the rest of the passengers to find their seats she demanded to be fed and scarfed down a full bottle... and promptly passed out in a food coma. She awoke thousands of miles in the air and was a happy baby until we started our descent, then cried for about five minutes and then fell asleep for the landing.
On the way home she was in fine spirits when we entered the gate area to await our flight - and she sure did let the other passengers know it. She screamed her little head off every 15 seconds or so - she just loved the echo her voice was making in that wide open space. I'm sure everyone was dreading getting on the plane with us. I took her for a walk down the terminal, screaming the whole way, until finally she must have knocked something loose in that baby brain of hers because she screamed one last time and fell sound asleep. She woke up just in time for take-off - yay - was a little fussy during take off, not too bad though, and then played with the back cover of a magazine the whole rest of the flight, happy as a clam. Well, happy until the guy in the seat in front of her decided to recline his seat and bonked her on the head. She was quickly mended though - and he felt like a total ass - so all is well.

On the way to MN she was easily entertained right up until we boarded, then as we waited for the rest of the passengers to find their seats she demanded to be fed and scarfed down a full bottle... and promptly passed out in a food coma. She awoke thousands of miles in the air and was a happy baby until we started our descent, then cried for about five minutes and then fell asleep for the landing.
On the way home she was in fine spirits when we entered the gate area to await our flight - and she sure did let the other passengers know it. She screamed her little head off every 15 seconds or so - she just loved the echo her voice was making in that wide open space. I'm sure everyone was dreading getting on the plane with us. I took her for a walk down the terminal, screaming the whole way, until finally she must have knocked something loose in that baby brain of hers because she screamed one last time and fell sound asleep. She woke up just in time for take-off - yay - was a little fussy during take off, not too bad though, and then played with the back cover of a magazine the whole rest of the flight, happy as a clam. Well, happy until the guy in the seat in front of her decided to recline his seat and bonked her on the head. She was quickly mended though - and he felt like a total ass - so all is well.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Suck my nose
Sometimes babies do the most unexpected things. I was laying on the floor next to Miss M as she played on her playmat. She started doing her army crawl on over towards my face. She's been pretty fascinated with faces lately, she'll just reach out to touch an eye, lip, cheek, etc. So anyway, she got super close and I expected her to reach out and grab my cheek, but instead she opened her mouth really wide and clamped it down on my nose. I started laughing my butt off, and she started giggling a little too - but didn't let go of my nose. It's a very odd sensation to have another human's mouth gumming your nose, while laughing, while you're laughing - it would have been completely disgusting if it were an adult (duh), but since it was my little baby bean it was fun.
Daycare scared the crap out of me...
Yesterday when we arrived at daycare I wrote on Miss M's little "daily info" sheet that she might be a bit under the weather - runny nose. At about noon her teacher, B, called me. B said, "Hi, it's B, how are you? We're fine, blah, blah, blah," and about now is when I'm hyperventalating and thinking that Miss M fell out of her crib, or was rushed to the hospital, or has menengitis, "Just so you know, M is fine, no emergency" (why didn't she say that first!) "she's just got a little cold, a runny nose, and a bit of a cough. Just wanted to let you know."
OK, so I'm glad she called, I guess, but since I was the one that told HER that Miss M has a runny nose, cold, etc. I think it was hardly worth giving me heart palpatations by calling to inform me of something I already knew. I'm just saying.
OK, so I'm glad she called, I guess, but since I was the one that told HER that Miss M has a runny nose, cold, etc. I think it was hardly worth giving me heart palpatations by calling to inform me of something I already knew. I'm just saying.
Monday, August 18, 2008
And BOOM goes the baby...
There I am, slaving away in the kitchen, baking Daddy's birthday cake, when all of a sudden, BOOM!
I drop everything and fly to the living room. "What was that, what was that, is she OK?" Daddy's face looks ashen, and he's completely silent... shocked I believe... and a little afraid... finally, "She was playing on the floor and all of a sudden threw her arms up and fell strait backwards."
"J, what were you doing, weren't you watching her?" Daddy feels horrible, but he has to admit that he was in fact playing video games and maybe not giving Miss M quite as much of his attention as he should. Am I annoyed, yes, a little - but hey, we're new parents, we're still learning! Now Daddy has learnt that he can't play video games while Miss is trying to sit and play. Lesson learned, and no permanent damage done (I hope).
Miss M was screaming, so sad she bonked her head. Poor baby. But it's not the first time, just ask her to tell you about the time Mommy accidentally dropped the vacuum on her head.
I drop everything and fly to the living room. "What was that, what was that, is she OK?" Daddy's face looks ashen, and he's completely silent... shocked I believe... and a little afraid... finally, "She was playing on the floor and all of a sudden threw her arms up and fell strait backwards."
"J, what were you doing, weren't you watching her?" Daddy feels horrible, but he has to admit that he was in fact playing video games and maybe not giving Miss M quite as much of his attention as he should. Am I annoyed, yes, a little - but hey, we're new parents, we're still learning! Now Daddy has learnt that he can't play video games while Miss is trying to sit and play. Lesson learned, and no permanent damage done (I hope).
Miss M was screaming, so sad she bonked her head. Poor baby. But it's not the first time, just ask her to tell you about the time Mommy accidentally dropped the vacuum on her head.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
First day of daycare...
Kindercare must dip these kids in sugar before they send them home. We went to pick up Miss M from her first day at the daycare fully expecting to be retrieving a traumatized, tired, cranky little baby. Oh how short she fell of our expectations. The darn kid was positively cheerful! Sprightly, silly, giggling and smiling - LOVED daycare! "Take that mommy - I don't need no stinking mommy... not when I've got other babies to stare at, and two crazy teachers wrapped around my itty, bitty finger."
She left happy, came home happy, happily ate her applesauce, happily squealed and played with her toys, happily splashed in the bath, and happily passed out cold at 8:00pm. Then happily slept for 11 hours straight. If this is what it's going to be like more often than not, I think I'm due for an attitude adjustment regarding daycare.
She left happy, came home happy, happily ate her applesauce, happily squealed and played with her toys, happily splashed in the bath, and happily passed out cold at 8:00pm. Then happily slept for 11 hours straight. If this is what it's going to be like more often than not, I think I'm due for an attitude adjustment regarding daycare.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Slip me some tongue...
Miss M has gone beyond blowing raspberries... she is all about tongue action this week. Last week she realized that she has a tongue, this week she can't stop sticking it out. If she's happy (which is almost all the time) she has this big smile on her face, and this fat little tongue sticking out between her lips. We, being the good parents that we are, poke the tongue, and pull it, which makes her suck it back in and then stick it back out in rapid succession, kind of like a reptile. Baby Bean is becoming Baby Lizard - if I can get a picture of it, I'll post it in the next few days.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Tomorrow is the big day!
So, the day has finally come - Miss M's first day of real daycare is tomorrow. I feel like I'm sending her off to the first day of kindergarten. I packed her backpack with the items on her school supply list - diapers, bottles, pacifiers, butt paste - and now I'm steeling myself for the inevitable wave of inadequecy and remorse that I shall feel as I wave goodbye to my little munchkin, writhing in the arms of a stranger, one amongst many. Ugh.
On a lighter note - J and I have been all a twitter these past 24 hours over house news... the showing that we had this past Thursday was a virtual success, and the prospective buyer wants to take a second look this week. According to our realtor they are considering ours and one other house - so keep your fingers crossed!
On a lighter note - J and I have been all a twitter these past 24 hours over house news... the showing that we had this past Thursday was a virtual success, and the prospective buyer wants to take a second look this week. According to our realtor they are considering ours and one other house - so keep your fingers crossed!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Paris for President! Love it!
OK, so obviously I would not actually enjoy Paris Hilton as President - that's just idiotic. However, I love this faux-ad that she helped create in response to being included in that ludicrous McCain ad. Check it out...
See more funny videos at Funny or Die
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Food Face
Obligatory food face picture - and a few more from our 4th of July Iowa trip (thanks for sharing G!)
Love the look on her face - that one raised eyebrow. You talking to me?

Monday, August 4, 2008
On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin!
Miss M joined me for a little trip down memory lane this past weekend. We were invited to join our friend B in Mad-town and we jumped at the chance to visit mommy's old stomping grounds. I can't believe how much has changed in the eight years since graduation! (OMG eight years! I'm so old!)
Miss M had a lovely time walking around the Capitol farmers market with me, and strollering up and down State St. She really does very well on trips away from home, but her sleep schedule does turn into something of a mystery. By Saturday evening she hadn't really napped well all day, and I was thinking she needed to go to sleep even though she seemed to be in a pretty good mood and wide awake. So I took her into the bedroom for some quiet time. I whispered "go to sleep" to her and she just looked at me and started laughing. I said it again, "go to sleep", and she erupted into giggles. The rest of the evening every time I said "go to sleep" she laughed and laughed. Go to sleep? Ha Ha Ha! Yeah right mom, you're funny!
Miss M had a lovely time walking around the Capitol farmers market with me, and strollering up and down State St. She really does very well on trips away from home, but her sleep schedule does turn into something of a mystery. By Saturday evening she hadn't really napped well all day, and I was thinking she needed to go to sleep even though she seemed to be in a pretty good mood and wide awake. So I took her into the bedroom for some quiet time. I whispered "go to sleep" to her and she just looked at me and started laughing. I said it again, "go to sleep", and she erupted into giggles. The rest of the evening every time I said "go to sleep" she laughed and laughed. Go to sleep? Ha Ha Ha! Yeah right mom, you're funny!
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