
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

This Moron is Smarter Than He Looks

I, of course, am talking about my big, dumb dog, Steve. Every morning when we wake up (because of course my dogs sleep with us, because of course I am fond of dog hair in my sheets), I take my time getting ready for the day. It's one of the only times of day when I may (*may) have a little time to myself. I watch the news and hopefully take a shower while I wait for the girls to get up.

Cate is usually up first and we wait for Maggie. But some mornings, Steve decides he doesn't want to wait. He decides to go wake her up by shoving his big wet nose in her face and "poking" her. She HATES this, but she wakes up (crying).

I think Steve knows that if everyone else is up, then the only person we're waiting for before we can go downstairs is Maggie. So he trots in there and tells her "Wake up! We need to go downstairs now! Poke!" I wish I could commend him for this one time he actually uses his brain - but dang Steve, let Senorita Cranky Pants get her sleep!

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