Halloween cuteness coming soon, I promise, but first...
This past weekend we were privileged enough to be asked to attend and participate in our friend Scott Chandler's wedding in the A-squared (Ann Arbor, MI). The wedding was beautiful, the weekend was booze-er-ific, and we were able to catch up with all our "fabulous" friends, you know, the ones without kids, the ones that make us feel like we're not quite so middle-aged (love you guys!).
The wedding was Saturday night, Halloween weekend, in a Big 10 town. Having hit the bar with friends earlier in the weekend, we had already born witness to many slutty witches, bumble bees, Disney princesses, and Jersey Shore characters, so we knew what to expect when we left the wedding for the after-party at Bar Louie.
Dressed in our finest we walked down the block, a group of about 10 of us, feeling pretty good. Three college students walked past us and the Disco-costumed boy among them said to Jason, "You're not even in costume, OLD MAN!" HA, HA, HA! Old man! I laughed my ass off. It is confirmed - we were the creepy old people on the college campus. The ones you used to notice when you were in college and wonder why those OLD people were taking up space in your bar.
A little later in the evening, after another cocktail, I was standing at the bar trying to get a phone number for a taxi and a student next to me was waiting as well. We were chatting a little bit and right before he turned to leave he said, "You look beautiful, by the way." Instead of feeling flattered, you know how I felt? Like I was Great Aunt Flo, and that nice young man was paying me the kind of compliment you pay an old lady because you know she tried to look beautiful, even though she's old.
I guess we're not as hot as we think - but you know what? I don't think I care anymore. I'll gladly trade my hotness for my two little sweeties (because that's basically what I did). We still had a blast, even though we are OLD!
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