OK, so finally. First, let's start with an update on Catie's stats:
Height: 29.25 inches (50%)
Weight: 20 pounds 10 ounces (25-50%)
Head Circumference: 48 cm (97%)
Catie is changing so much every day it really does blow my mind how fast a year goes by. She's got seven teeth now, is constantly cruising the furniture, loves to climb upstairs and get into trouble, and is babbling up a storm. We're pretty sure she has "words" (and I use that term loosely) for Doggy, Mama, Daddy, Cheese, Granny and Thank You. And Maggie swears up and down that she can say "Maggie" as well.
Her birthday was celebrated just as it should be - with all her amazing family around her. First in Iowa, where we took her out to dinner with Daddy's side of the family and second, at an at-home barbecue with Mama's side of the family. She didn't seem to know what was going on in either event, but she was a happy girl. She got a few gifts - a Weeblos playset, a stuffed pony, and her very own suitcase to match her big sister's. All gifts were quickly confiscated to test their play-ability by chief examiner Maggie. The Weeblos are particularly playable.
I miss my baby, but I am so proud of my one-year-old!
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