
Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Home Remedy

For the past three years our number one pain killer has been a kiss from Mama.  Any little boo boo requires a kiss to make it all better.  This is very sweet, unless the boo boo is on a butt, or a foot, or some equally undesirable location.  So I guess it's a good thing that this particular home remedy has evolved.  Now, instead of a kiss, all one has to do to feel better is to rub the hurt finger/foot/butt on some part of Mommy.  The frequent (daily) cries of "Mama, I hurt myself" that emanate from my highly uncoordinated child are immediately followed by said child rubbing up against me.  I'm a giant good-health crystal or something.  Rub the Mommy and feel instantly better.

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