
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A day in the life.

So stay at home mom's don't work, huh?  Of course another woman would be the one to say this, because a man (for once) actually knows better.  Hilary Rosen didn't expect that she would be insulting 5 million American women with her comments, but that's exactly what she did.  Why so judge-y Hilary?
Granted Mrs. Romney has more wealth at her disposal than I do, so maybe she had a little more help along the way, but these "mommy wars" have got me thinking about how I spend my day as a mommy.  I always seem to feel like I should have, or could have, done more with my day, when I sit down at the end of the night I can't remember how I spent the preceeding 12 hours.  I decided to take an inventory of a typical day in our household.

I wrote a post like this ages ago, when Maggie was still an only child in diapers, I'm curious to see how my typical day has changed since then....
7:05am- Wake up.  Lucky day!  Dad is working from home, so it's safe for me to take a shower.
Step out of the shower to Maggie calling from her bedroom.
Convince her to get out of bed.
Take her to potty and brush teeth.
Catie toddles in... good thing dad is around to help today, he got the baby up...
Scurry Maggie downstairs for breakfast - eggs and grapes and yogurt... and milk... and water...
Now Catie joins us breakfast as well. 
Antiobiotics for both kids, ear infections all around!
Let the dogs out/bring the dogs in.
Hair and clothes for Maggie. No time for Catie, she'll make the school run in her PJs.
Find Maggie's school bag, then on with coat and shoes x3.
8:15am In the car, off to school.
8:45am Home again, clean the kitchen.  Put away toy explosion. Clean the family room.
Change three diapers. Help Catie poop (constipated baby....disgusting).  Soothe the baby.  Dress the baby.
Balance family budget and pay a few bills... depressing.
Check email.
Scan the grocery ads for deals.
Breakfast for mom - scarf down an english muffin.
11:00am - Time to pick Maggie up from school.
11:30am - Back from school.  Time to make lunch.  Chicken noodles, applesauce, goldfish crackers, milk and water.  I have no idea what or if I actually ate lunch.
Let the dogs out/bring the dogs in.
Do the dishes, handwash the kids silverware and cups (decals come off if you put them in the dishwasher).
Wipe Maggie's tushie (seriously, the best day of my life will be these two kids can finally wipe their own ass).
Sweep the floor, wipe up spilled juice box trail Catie carried all around the house.  Sticky floor, yuck.
12:00pm Lunch is ready, time to eat.
Make banana cupcakes from scratch.
Mop the floor because of sticky juice box residue.
Take cupcakes out of oven.  Argue with Maggie about going to speech class.
1:30 Leave for speech class.  Catie gets to stay home with Dad (remember, he's here too!) and nap.
1:45pm Speech class.  While I wait I update the apps on my phone and check my email.  It's like a mini-holiday!
2:15pm Leave speech class.
Return movie to Walmart, pay Walmart credit card bill.
Drive thru ice cream for Maggie, drive thru ATM to deposit checks.
2:40pm Home.
Set up Maggie with a necklace making project. Get the mail, fish out school papers from her backpack.
Do more dishes, where are they coming from!
Help Maggie ride her bike around the cul-de-sac, and fix the bolt on Maggie's bike.
Help Maggie ride her scooter around the cul-de-sac.
Frost banana cupcakes.
Organize the art supplies.
Pick flowers from the yard.
Take out the trash.
Vaccum the living room and kitchen.
4:45pm Catie wakes up from her nap (thank you God for a nice long nap today!)
Snacks for everyone!  Surely this will ruin their supper.
Let the dogs out/bring the dogs in.
Do a few more dishes, start thinking about dinner. Check facebook.

***right about here is where the evening goes into hyper-drive and I stopped taking notes.  Here it is, about five days later, and I'll have to try and reconstruct the rest of the evening from my non-existent memory.

5:00pm - Make dinner... something for the girls and then something a little more for Jason and I.
Convince both girls to take second dose of Antibiotics.
Feed the fish (question whether or not anyone remembered to feed the fish this morning).
Give the dog his medicine (Jason fed the dogs, I hope).
5:45pm - Eat dinner.
6:15pm  - Dad cleans up the mess from dinner while I lie on the floor and play choo-choo train with the girls (guess who gets to be the train).
Dance party!  Some music before bed.
Herd everyone upstairs to wash hands and face (bath night is tomorrow), go potty, brush teeth, and put on PJs.... squash one rebellion (and fight through one temper tantrum).
7:30pm - Good night kisses for Catie, Dad takes her to her room to read a story and go to sleep.  I stay with Maggie for two or three "big girl" stories.  Three stories later... attempting to stay calm through one more tantrum, Maggie is NOT TIRED!
8:15pm - Finally close the door on Maggie... Dad can handle any return trips tonight.
Go downstairs and straighten up. Put toys away, wipe down counters. Lock up the house.
Check email and facebook. 
8:45pm - Find a BIG glass of wine and finally sit down to watch an hour of TV before I pass out.
Watch another hour of TV, because lucky me... now I'm not tired.
11?  Crawl upstairs for bed.

Are you still there caller?