
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Babies make you fat...

...And so do Ruffles Potato Chips, fast food, glazed donuts, ranch sauce, Kit Kats, and all the other crap I ate while I was pregnant. I will be the first to admit that I was a bad, bad girl and my pregnancy diet was far from well-rounded. But hey, I didn't particularly like vegetables before I got pregnant, is it really realistic to think that I would choose to eat them after? Pre-natal vitamins are the healthiest thing I consumed all nine months... and the fact that I managed to swallow those on a semi-regular basis is a small miracle in and of itself. But...

Now I'm a boat. Actually, a house boat. Actually, maybe even a 5000 square foot house boat. My complete lack of self control for nine months has resulted in a complete lack of a waist for the subsequent nine months. So in an effort to become more motivated to shed my "baby weight" I'm going to tell you all exactly how much I gained and exactly how much I've lost so far. Let me preface this revelation by telling you conventional wisdom states there is no reason for a woman to gain more than 30-35 pounds during her pregnancy....obviously this does not take into account donut cravings or the ravenous first trimester hunger that I experienced. I gained 70 pounds. Yes, that's right - twice the "average". So far I have lost 41 pounds... only a little over half-way to my pre-pregnacy weight. But if you add the 10 pounds I would have liked to have lost before I even got pregnant, not quite half-way there. Needless to say, no more donuts for me.

Please hold me accountable blog-o-sphere...I'll update you again in ten pounds.

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