
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Miss M's first baseball game...

Last night we had the opportunity to visit one of the Wrigley rooftops off of left field. We brought Miss M with us because we knew many of J's co-workers would be there and would want to meet her (and because we're too broke for a babysitter). The Cubs weren't playing, instead there was a minor league game going on, but the ballpark was packed nonetheless. I believe Miss M spent more time gumming her stuffed turtle's multi-colored plastic flippers than noticing any part of the game, but would you expect anything more from a 5-month-old?

Proud Papa J took her for a walk around the party to show off his little Bean while I waited on the patio watching the game. Shortly after he left the female bartender came up to me and said, "I just wanted to tell you, when your husband comes back... he made me do it. Ask him to show you the picture." Hmmmm...I waited until about 5 seconds after she left to go hunt him down. And here is the aforementioned picture, and yes, that is a beer can in my daughters hand. We C's sure know how to party (she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm).

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