
Thursday, October 9, 2008

Baby food.

Just to warn you, this entry takes on a life of it's own (stream of consciousness)

I think S, the big dumb dog, is more excited for dinner time than Miss M. He loyally sits beside her watching her every move, waiting for his chance at a big slurp of baby spit and mushy chicken dinner. I have to admit, some of the varieties are pretty tempting. Like "Hawaiian Delight", doesn't that sound tasty? Like a delicious rum cocktail? Or a something your husband does to you on your honeymoon?

But there are other baby food flavors Miss M would happily leave for the dog... like green beans. Just so you know, mushed up green beans smell like shit. I really can't blame her for spitting them out.

Although most spitting is completely intentional, every once in a while we have an uber-cute moment that involves accidental spittage. Like when I had just shoved a spoonful of carrots in her mouth, and she sneezed, and orange liquid splattered all over the place like from a water sprinkler. I laughed my butt off.

And speaking of laughing butts off - Miss M has decided that gas is funny. Last week she burped really loud, like an adult, and started giggling immediately after. Then just the other day she farted really loud, like her daddy, and started giggling immediately after. It has got to be one of the funniest things in the world to see a baby laughing at her own gas explosions. She's daddy's girl alright!

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