
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

100 degrees, It's time for the Pool!

Oh my god.  It is so hot!  My car temp read 100 degrees while driving home this afternoon.  That's just ridiculous.  It's only June!  And we don't live in Africa, it has no business being this hot in northern Illinois.  Thank god we signed up for a season pass to the pool again this year.  I was a little concerned about the logistics, it could prove difficult to keep a three-year-old and an infant from drowning at the same time, but my concerns were without merit... we went to the pool today for the first time and all went swimmingly!  Ha!

While we were there we got to see a lifeguard get the shit scared out of her - what a way to start the summer!  She was monitoring the baby-section of the pool.  Yes, babies are present, but so are kids up to about five years old.  All of a sudden the lifeguard's whistle blows and she's pointing and running towards a naked baby floating upside down in the pool!  You would think one of the other mothers would have scooped the baby up, but nope they all just let it bob along under the sprinklers - and no one performed that lifesaving task because the baby in question belonged to a two-year-old little girl and was made of plastic. The two-year-old was pretty scared herself...  I bet mom won't be bringing that doll to the pool anymore.

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