
Friday, August 26, 2011


My dog is a pervert.  That dirty little Jack Russell has a not-so-secret boyfriend in the basement.  Apparently they are into S&M, because Payton is constantly making that big stuffed bunny her b*tch.  About now you are probably slowly shaking your head in shame, but I swear there is a cute story at the end of this sordid tale.  Two, actually...

First - I have come to find out that two preteen boys (whom shall remain nameless... oh hell - CHANDLER and MATT) took pictures and/or video of Payton partaking in some bunny lovin' and posted in online.  If I were a little more mature I would probably find this soooo embarrassing.  But instead, it's kinda funny.

Second - We were playing downstairs this afternoon and Maggie calls out, "Look!  Payton is jumping up and down on her bunny!  That's so funny, I didn't know she could jump up and down like that!"  Uh, yeah... that's what she's doing. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so where's the link to the video??!! there's nothing funnier than perverted pets!