
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Toddlers in Tiara's, Here we come!

Maggie participated in her first pagent this weekend - the Lindenhurst Fall Festival Costume Contest.  Like the little star I know she is, she waited in line with the 24 other three to five-year-old contestants, walked across the stage, stopped in the middle and answered the emcee's question, "Maggie, what is your costume?"

"I'm a pink flamingo!"

"Awwwwww," went the crowd. 

I'm so proud of her for getting up on the stage and participating.  Sometimes I can't believe she's only three years old.  We talked a lot before she went on about how only a few people will get prizes, and we will be happy for whoever wins, and we'll have fun no matter what.  I was also talking to her about what she could do on the stage (I wanted her to be able to think about something up there, just in case she started getting scared), so I showed her where the judges were going to be sitting, and said she could wave at them, or blow a kiss, or flap her flamingo arms.  And you know what that little stinker did?  She actually blew them a kiss!  I just about fell off my bale of hay.  See, I told you, STAR!

Homemade costume from head to toe - she placed SECOND!  Congratulations Maggie!

1 comment:

Aunt Georgie said...

Way to go Maggie! Beautiful costume on a beautiful girl!