
Monday, February 9, 2009

Now... I'm Tired.

I'm tired. Exhausted really. I don't really even have a good reason to be. I think it's really just my brain that is tired, and it's making every inch of my body drag along with it. Maybe it's meloncholy, I love that word. Yes, I definately think there's a little saddness mixed in there. I'm sad my a$$ is still about ten pounds heavier than it should be. And I'm sad that I can't justify the expense of getting my hair professionally colored (I'm beginning to look like an orange crayon, I swear to god). And I'm really sad about how guilty I feel every time I want to go lay down by myself for twenty minutes when I could be playing with the Bean. I mean, mathmatics is a science, and the math tells me that she lays those big blue eyes on her daycare teachers for more time each week than she does her dear old mom. Wouldn't that make any parent sad? So... now, I'm tired. Add to the mom-guilt and fat a$$ a whole lot of work stress and expecations, mix in some wife/daughter/friend responsibilities and you'd be tired too! I bet you are actually, we're all in the same boat. Geez, depressing. I think I need more sun, Chicago winter is starting to make me loopy.

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