
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The "L" sucks.

Big city living, it sure is a pleasure sometimes. Take for example my least favorite mode of transportation, the "L". Always crowded, always full of rude, oblivious, smelly people, I could go on for hours about my disgust with the train. But I will keep it short. Yesterday, by some small miracle I got a seat during rush hour. Miracle indeed. At the very next stop a cracked-out, baggy pants wearing, no shower, orange soda drinking, stinky person got on the train. And at the stop after that the person sitting next to me got off. There were probably about 10 non-smelly, normal-ish people between the open seat and the shifty-eyed, twitching skeez-ball, but I knew as soon as my neighbor got up that the skeez-ball would be the one to take the seat. And try to strike up a conversation with me. Ugh. I hate the train.

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