
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Do You Understand the Words That Are Coming Out of My Mouth!

Communication. The key to a good relationship. The key to successful negotiations. The key to getting your sippy cup. Miss M has many ways of communicating with us at this point in her development, although none of them seem to be very satisfying for her as of late. She wants words, I can see it.

She knows some sign language - raised hands for "all done" and hand to mouth for "more"**- but I don't, so that is clearly not effective for her. And she uses facial expression and vocal tone to state her mood - but telling me she's pissed off really doesn't help me figure out what she's pissed off at. So she's been doing a lot of reaching lately - pointing at what she wants, reaching her hands out for it, etc. I'm trying hard to give her the chance to hear the word she wants without constantly supplying it. Does that make sense? I'm trying to make sure she knows the word, but at the same time give her the opportunity to use it. Not that she does, but you know, someday.

**update - see, I told you I don't know sign langauge! Apparently hand to mouth means "food", not "more".

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