
Tuesday, June 2, 2009


As you may remember from a previous post, I received nothing more for Mother's Day than a "Happy Mother's Day, sorry I forgot to get you something." And I was none too pleased. A simple card, or grocery store flowers would have sufficed, but now that the mistake has been made the reparations must be much larger is scale. I would not expect a husband to acknowledge this fact, however. I mean, he could barely acknowledge the original event, what are the chances that he's really going to adequately make up for his snafu? Turns out chances are pretty damn great!! I just got the cooolest Forgotten-Mother's-Day present ever! A brand spankin' new Burberry watch! Woo hoo! The watch is lovely, something I may have actually picked out myself, so props to J for good taste, but I think the true gift here is the knowledge that my husband actually does listen to what I have to say (sometimes). We were driving home last weekend from Madison and chatting, and I said something about how I would like to get a nice watch sometime because now that I'm so aware of the baby's schedule (eat, poop, sleep, repeat) it would be really helpful to have one. And viola - now I have a watch! I'm so impressed, this really is sooo much better than some crappy fluorescent carnations from the Jewel. Honey, you can forget Mother's Day every year!

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