
Monday, March 8, 2010

Watch Your Mouth

You really begin to notice just how often you say certain phrases when you have a two year old in the house. For instance, has anyone noticed how often I say "There you go" in any given day? It must be an awful lot, because Maggie is saying it all the time. She'll play pretend with her babies and, "There you go!" when they successfully use the fake potty, "There you go!" when they lay down nicely for nigh-nigh, "There you go!" when they fit snugly into her backpack for a ride to the grocery store. All I can say is... THANK GOD this is the phrase she's chosen to repeat so obsessively. One of these days my luck will run out and she'll start saying "Damn it!" every time she bumps her head, or "You little shit!" every time the dog pees in the laundry room.

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