
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Another Gem From My Thoughtful Husband

"I'm going to have to take down your picture at work," says my dear husband, referring to the black and white photo taken at our wedding.
"Because everyone that passes my desk comments on how beautiful my wife is!"
"Aww, that's nice!"
"Yeah, I mean, I get it. It's just a nice picture, black and white and everything."
"So, what, I don't look that good in color?"
"Well, yeah, but this particular picture is a good one."

Hmmmm....not sure I like where story this went. Should have gone something like this...

"I'm going to have to take down your picture at work," says my dear husband, referring to the black and white photo taken at our wedding.
"Because everyone that passes my desk comments on how beautiful my wife is!"
"Aww, that's nice!"
"Yes, it is. I tell everyone that comments what a lucky man I am!"

Much better :)

1 comment:

UKnowWho said...

or..."if you think that my wife is beautiful in that picture, you should see her in person, she's gorgeous!"

At least he didn't say, "yea, that was two kids and twenty pounds ago".

He would be a dead man.