
Friday, October 9, 2009


Rain, yuck. We've had so many rainy days in the past two weeks, is it always this wet in the fall? For some reason now that it is raining and consistently below 55 degrees, Maggie has decided that she needs to go outside and play on her swing set every single day, multiple times a day. Everyday she runs up to the patio door, points out the window and says, "Weeee!! Weeee!!" So what if it's pouring sheets of rain, "Wee, Wee!!"... it's gusting Wizard of Oz force winds, "Wee, Wee!!"... Frosty the Snowman just sauntered past the front window and waved, "Weee, Weee!!" She didn't care about that dang swing set all summer long, but now it's all she wants to do. Maggie, I have two words for you, No're going outside without a hat and gloves, bundle up baby girl, let's go swing.

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